Sunday, 12 November 2017

General Vaping Discussion

i started vaping heavily and daily on a mod with an rta 4 months ago so like after a week i got vapers tongue, and it lasted more than 2 weeks for me to get the flavor back, but now i switched to an rda that burns juice like 2 times more than the previous tank and i started vaping more because new tank hype, so i have a really bad vapers tongue, the question is that is it possible that because i'm taking more amounts of juice now than what i used to, or is it just a coincidence, and how can...

something odd is happening to me, vapers tongue for the second time.

from General Vaping Discussion

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General Vaping Discussion

This is just an opinion piece based on the info given from the website below. Why I don't like Nic Salts . Look at the advantages and ...