I bought a juul today. Just to see what the hype was all about. Ok. There a large nic hit with little vapor. Taste is kinda meh. The cool mint isnt so bad i guess. But ok, maybe i can sneak a vape at work. Probably can. Probably will.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LNZ25M
"more smokers are turning to electronic cigarettes to help them quit smoking" eCigarette-shaped device containing a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled, used to simulate the experience of smoking tobacco. This blog is to review the diffrent brands and styles so you can make the right choice.
Friday, 31 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I am trying to find extra post screws for the drop dead rda the post hole size for the posts are 3.2 mm by 2.2mm any suggestions on what size post screws will fit
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wwnS5v
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wwnS5v
General Vaping Discussion
Mine did, and I was wondering how common that is in America these days. He especially likes that you can taper down nicotine strength eventually and thus reduce dependency. He explained to me the dilemma of nicotine addiction very well. In layman's terms (and I am a layman), when you smoke it causes a spike in nicotine that makes you feel relaxed, as if everything is ok. He said that if that was all it did, nicotine would be a pretty good drug. However, the nervous system maintains...
Did Your Doctor Suggest Vaping?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2N2NRLm
Did Your Doctor Suggest Vaping?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2N2NRLm
General Vaping Discussion
Not new to vaping or the forum, but I seem to be in need of a refresh! Posted here years back when I first started vaping, then drifted away.
My habits haven't changed much since then, but the vape world clearly has! For the most part, I've kept with the basic ego-type VV batteries, cheap tanks, and my HHV liquid (mostly but not exclusively NETs), and it's all good and well, but I've become increasingly aware of how out-of-the-loop I am.
If anyone can point to resources that could help me...
help an old vaper out?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wAxqvx
My habits haven't changed much since then, but the vape world clearly has! For the most part, I've kept with the basic ego-type VV batteries, cheap tanks, and my HHV liquid (mostly but not exclusively NETs), and it's all good and well, but I've become increasingly aware of how out-of-the-loop I am.
If anyone can point to resources that could help me...
help an old vaper out?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wAxqvx
General Vaping Discussion
Last night at a vape shop I frequent out in the burbs, I finally got the opportunity to try one of these. The shop owner's cousin lives up in Toronto where the product already has wide distribution, and he sent a care package. I had no idea these products even existed until maybe a month or so ago.
The concept of HNB is not that far removed from vaping, with the major difference being you are dealing with real tobacco here and not juice. I actually felt a huge sense of guilt after taking a...
Heat-not-burn, Marlboro/Phillip Morris iQOS first impression
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wJvgx5
The concept of HNB is not that far removed from vaping, with the major difference being you are dealing with real tobacco here and not juice. I actually felt a huge sense of guilt after taking a...
Heat-not-burn, Marlboro/Phillip Morris iQOS first impression
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wJvgx5
parliament - Google News
BBC News |
Week ahead in Parliament
BBC News The bells will sound and the doors will be thrown open, but the start of the new parliamentary term will not see eager refreshed MPs crowding back to Westminster to grapple with the challenges which await them. Rather the reverse. The Brexit battling ... |
General Vaping Discussion
Not quitting, just not nearly as enthusiastic as I was just a couple of years ago. I think I have reached my saturation point, as with many of my other hobbies.
There was a time not that long ago that I was seriously infatuated (consumed) with vaping, anxiously awaiting the next new toy, buying, trying, and selling (a LOT). Scouring the net and this forum constantly looking for something new. And I was not disappointed. Like many folks, I went from disposable Njoys, to Blu, to an Ego...
I'm bored with vaping...
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2opMxnO
There was a time not that long ago that I was seriously infatuated (consumed) with vaping, anxiously awaiting the next new toy, buying, trying, and selling (a LOT). Scouring the net and this forum constantly looking for something new. And I was not disappointed. Like many folks, I went from disposable Njoys, to Blu, to an Ego...
I'm bored with vaping...
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2opMxnO
General Vaping Discussion
So I was vaping on my serpent mini RTA and suddenly my mod popped up a “check atomizer”. I got to my working mat and tried to adjust the connection with a flat screw driver it wouldn’t work. So I forced it a bit and then realized it was a
non-adjustable connection. I checked the connection and noticed to little dents in the gold plating due to forcing it with the screwdriver. I popped the tank on and now surprisingly enough it vapes smoothly.
Would that dents cause any problems to the...
Damaged 510 connection
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wHTxQT
non-adjustable connection. I checked the connection and noticed to little dents in the gold plating due to forcing it with the screwdriver. I popped the tank on and now surprisingly enough it vapes smoothly.
Would that dents cause any problems to the...
Damaged 510 connection
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wHTxQT
General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NGhdvS
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NGhdvS
General Vaping Discussion
So i was thinking of starting a thread which might list every mod past and present which would be compiled by you from one day to the next. At first i thought it wouldn't be practical because no one would know if a mod had been added unless they read through the entire thread.
Then i thought if a list from A though Z were compiled systematically by members by copying and pasting the most recent list in this thread, and then contributing to it, ensuring your entries are...
Mods A -Z
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2tJF8SA
Then i thought if a list from A though Z were compiled systematically by members by copying and pasting the most recent list in this thread, and then contributing to it, ensuring your entries are...
Mods A -Z
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2tJF8SA
Thursday, 30 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I tried posting this in temp control, but I dont think its being seen. So I gotta cast a wider net, please dont beat me for having to do so. I would like to hear from users of the Ijoy Maxo (not the zenith) that can tell me if they like it or not.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NxYv9V
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NxYv9V
General Vaping Discussion
Guy looked like he was lifting a TV or something.....was this lack of safety features on devices or cheap batteries maybe?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MExYeN
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MExYeN
General Vaping Discussion
Going to test this as soon as it charges!![[IMG]](https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180830/a5fda28df6dbc697c5c5c9b811446a6f.jpg)
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LELJEI
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LELJEI
General Vaping Discussion
This is kind of a weird question. I am currently vaping a local store made juice, a fruit loop flavor. I really like fruit loop flavor juices and this one is pretty good. Ive noticed though, during the day this juice seems a touch harsh but in the evening hours, especially when im getting ready for bed, it is smooth and wonderful and ill vape constantly for a good hour or more before i put it up and go to sleep. Cant figure for the life of me why this is so. Any ideas?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wtigJg
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wtigJg
General Vaping Discussion
As a new vaper who spends a large amount of time in a 12x15 bedroom/office with carpet, a bed, computers running, and most importantly radiant heat and no airflow, I'm in need of an air purifier with the specific requirement of good performance in dealing with vapor.
Personally, I'm particularly interested in the portable air purifier. So is there any suggestion for air purifier?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LFjW7k
Personally, I'm particularly interested in the portable air purifier. So is there any suggestion for air purifier?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LFjW7k
General Vaping Discussion
Anyone seen a movie lately where one of the characters was vaping?? Seems like its getting more common.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2jfpQAx
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2jfpQAx
General Vaping Discussion
Looong title i know but im quite glad to return to forum its been too long ive been gone buut i returned in style maybe !? Bought 1st ever pod like mod kit and bottle of salt nic e juice and for being a builder /mech user well ik more than descent bit of electrical knowledge tok know when safe and stupid draw thier lines. Etc that i was iffy on these kits opposite of main mod and dripper, but wow i havnt grabbed 1not 1old nasties amd didn't dt want a smoke even with vape, flavor not the...
Old member retuning with rebreathed new life of vaping never tried till today
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PNUiQV
Old member retuning with rebreathed new life of vaping never tried till today
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PNUiQV
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I just ordered one yesterday. I know there are a lot of vapers who hate Smok and won't touch their products so let's not start a Smok bashfest.
I love the look of the mod and I'm excited to try the new V2 baby prince or whatever it's called lol. It has one bigger mesh coil and a double mesh coil.
I can't seem to find any reviews on Youtube. So just curious if anyone has it or is gonna get it.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NwQnqd
I love the look of the mod and I'm excited to try the new V2 baby prince or whatever it's called lol. It has one bigger mesh coil and a double mesh coil.
I can't seem to find any reviews on Youtube. So just curious if anyone has it or is gonna get it.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NwQnqd
General Vaping Discussion
It works well for me, when vaping just wouldn't. Tried it all, sub ohm the lot, since 2009. IQOS has me smoke free now 100%
I'll write about it impartially and with the full admission it is only my own subjective experience and that if you enjoy vaping I advise you to stick with it and not try IQOS, as although I feel healthier, we just do not know yet.
I've been on here since about 2009, so can be trusted I'm not a PMI shill etc. Some might remember me, some not. You can check my...
Am I allowed to write about my (positive) IQOS experience?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wsltIU
I'll write about it impartially and with the full admission it is only my own subjective experience and that if you enjoy vaping I advise you to stick with it and not try IQOS, as although I feel healthier, we just do not know yet.
I've been on here since about 2009, so can be trusted I'm not a PMI shill etc. Some might remember me, some not. You can check my...
Am I allowed to write about my (positive) IQOS experience?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wsltIU
General Vaping Discussion
So I put the pod in (this happens with multiple pods) and it hits real nice.. like a cigarette. A lot of times though after awhile it will no longer give me that SLIGHT burn in my throat like a cigarette does. I have to remove it, flick it or shake it a little and then put the pod back in the JUUL and it goes back to hitting nice. Now keep in mind I've tried this with multiple JUULs and its always the same.
I'm using the JUUL to quit cigarettes and I have been cigarette free for 7 days now...
Question for fellow JUUL users
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BZByLr
I'm using the JUUL to quit cigarettes and I have been cigarette free for 7 days now...
Question for fellow JUUL users
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BZByLr
General Vaping Discussion
I like to randomly read thru the postings and still see alot of posts dealing with vaping and dehydration. So many people believe that vaping causes dehydration... not just the dry mouth feel but actual dehydration that warrants drinking way more water than needed.
For those who feel vaping causes dehydration... a question.
How much fluid ( water) do you think VG/PG can adsorb and remove from your system while vaping?
Lets say one vapes 5ml of juice in a day, how much fluid is lost?
Breaking the Dehydration Myth
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2w3KglL
For those who feel vaping causes dehydration... a question.
How much fluid ( water) do you think VG/PG can adsorb and remove from your system while vaping?
Lets say one vapes 5ml of juice in a day, how much fluid is lost?
Breaking the Dehydration Myth
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2w3KglL
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Anyone have a link to searching ECF on Google setup that I can just click on and bookmark.
The search here doesn't function well, for me.
TX kindly
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LBQLSA
The search here doesn't function well, for me.
TX kindly
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LBQLSA
General Vaping Discussion
When I use claptons or fused claptons I like nichrome wire cause kanthal claptons heat up to slow. Straight wire I use kanthal. Usually 10 wraps around a 3mm using 24 gauge. Which wire do u prefer kanthal or nichrome? Or any other for that matter.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LDqwLo
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LDqwLo
General Vaping Discussion
What's a good alternative AIO to the eleaf icare and Aspire breeze 2?
I'd like something similar to the Aspire breeze 2, but with an atomizer designed for regular juices and not salt-based.
--all-in-one-system with replaceable atomizers
--Quiet vaping (my eleaf icare is way too loud, which makes me self-conscious vaping it in the library)
--at least 1.5 ml tank
--replaceable atomizers designed for regular juices, and not just salt-based.
--leak-proof (my eleaf icare leaks from the top and...
Aspire 2 AIO alternative?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LSACgp
I'd like something similar to the Aspire breeze 2, but with an atomizer designed for regular juices and not salt-based.
--all-in-one-system with replaceable atomizers
--Quiet vaping (my eleaf icare is way too loud, which makes me self-conscious vaping it in the library)
--at least 1.5 ml tank
--replaceable atomizers designed for regular juices, and not just salt-based.
--leak-proof (my eleaf icare leaks from the top and...
Aspire 2 AIO alternative?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LSACgp
General Vaping Discussion
Due to my medication I have incredibly vivid dreams every single night. I hate it. They're almost always nightmares, make very little sense, and wake me up frequently throughout the night. Sometimes vaping crops up but always in odd ways.
Vaping Dreams
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wr8Ehi
- One dream involved lighting cigarettes with a mechanical mod in order to vape them and, as you can imagine, I accidentally lit one with a lighter and it tasted like a cigarette i.e. horrible
- In one I was with a lady and someone tried to mug...
Vaping Dreams
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wr8Ehi
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Is it okay to leave a mod with an exposed 510 connection in the drawer or a box, will dust and house debris ruin or harm the connection in any way? What should I use to plug it?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MyFhEG
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MyFhEG
General Vaping Discussion
I was forcing my tank with pliers and a towel and I think I chipped of some paint
Would this cause any problem or issues? And how to fix it
(can attach more photos if needed)
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wlEhJJ
Would this cause any problem or issues? And how to fix it
(can attach more photos if needed)
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wlEhJJ
General Vaping Discussion
I know it's been awhile, sorry...but continuing on with my thread The Best Things In Life Are Free
obviously those are a bit outdated but a few still seem to be working, also after the FDA started the whole no free samples it's harder to find acutal freebies, most are $1 - $5 but still not bad deals for what you're getting
$1 greensmoke kit for first...
The Best Things In Life Are Free
pt 2
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BeuJ8s
obviously those are a bit outdated but a few still seem to be working, also after the FDA started the whole no free samples it's harder to find acutal freebies, most are $1 - $5 but still not bad deals for what you're getting
$1 greensmoke kit for first...
The Best Things In Life Are Free

from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BeuJ8s
General Vaping Discussion
Changes between 30, 40 and 50W![[IMG]](https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180828/84a6b1850feb2be83d64dea8d9ffd242.jpg)
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NqHdeC
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NqHdeC
General Vaping Discussion
I came across this from Eightvape - seems interesting. I listed the source link at the end.
Your thoughts ---
Is Tobacco Free Nicotine The Future of All E-Juice?
When you think of vaping, most vapers don’t have tobacco cross their minds too much, unless they’re thinking of how they’re inhaling none of it compared to inhaling cigarettes. Tobacco, as we know, is the ingredient known to be the leading cause of cancer in cigarettes smokers, in...
Tobacco Free Nicotine -- your thoughts
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LwAvCi
Your thoughts ---
Is Tobacco Free Nicotine The Future of All E-Juice?
When you think of vaping, most vapers don’t have tobacco cross their minds too much, unless they’re thinking of how they’re inhaling none of it compared to inhaling cigarettes. Tobacco, as we know, is the ingredient known to be the leading cause of cancer in cigarettes smokers, in...
Tobacco Free Nicotine -- your thoughts
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LwAvCi
Monday, 27 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I came across this from Eightvape - seems interesting. I listed the source link at the end.
Your thoughts ---
Is Tobacco Free Nicotine The Future of All E-Juice?
When you think of vaping, most vapers don’t have tobacco cross their minds too much, unless they’re thinking of how they’re inhaling none of it compared to inhaling cigarettes. Tobacco, as we know, is the ingredient known to be the leading cause of cancer in cigarettes smokers, in...
Tobacco Free Nicotine -- you thoughts
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Nq7uty
Your thoughts ---
Is Tobacco Free Nicotine The Future of All E-Juice?
When you think of vaping, most vapers don’t have tobacco cross their minds too much, unless they’re thinking of how they’re inhaling none of it compared to inhaling cigarettes. Tobacco, as we know, is the ingredient known to be the leading cause of cancer in cigarettes smokers, in...
Tobacco Free Nicotine -- you thoughts
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Nq7uty
General Vaping Discussion
As the first FT thread will be closed as it has reached the 15k post limit I thought I would start a new one.
Tell us what you are buying, if it is good or bad value. Please pay special attention to the length of time every single order takes to arrive with you as I know you guys love to chat about that
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2yQ5KCV
Tell us what you are buying, if it is good or bad value. Please pay special attention to the length of time every single order takes to arrive with you as I know you guys love to chat about that

from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2yQ5KCV
General Vaping Discussion
Hello! I want to learn a bit about salt nicotine and was wondering what is the equivalent of 50mg salt nicotine to regular nicotine. Thanks!
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PbfQ8V
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PbfQ8V
General Vaping Discussion
My vape broke last night and my back up was out off juice I work in the woods very far from home my machine broke down and the mechanic had cigarettes and I gave in out of frustration had three cigs and I'm so dissapointed I feel like I just threw everything away now .
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2P40qDj
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2P40qDj
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hi everyone I am vaping a Ego-T ce4 (maybe ce3 doesn’t matter) vape pen Ln my house when working but I can’t get the amount of vapor I want.I wonder how to get more vapor from a vape pen. Any tips?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wgm0xJ
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wgm0xJ
General Vaping Discussion
So I've got a toddler so this sort of thing is hypothetical but it's the sort of thing I think about having to handle in the future when he grows up to be a dumb teenager like his Dad was... Wondered if any parents with older kids have had to handle smoking/vaping situations?
If you caught them with cigs would you say at least vape on the thinking that he'll just get his hands on either vapes or cigarettes in that mysterious way teens always do? Or advise against them both outright because...
Hypothetical Parental Vape Ethics
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Nn57rx
If you caught them with cigs would you say at least vape on the thinking that he'll just get his hands on either vapes or cigarettes in that mysterious way teens always do? Or advise against them both outright because...
Hypothetical Parental Vape Ethics
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Nn57rx
General Vaping Discussion
So in many blogs and channels they say that keep your tank all the way filled so you avoid burnt coil heads keep your juice level at minimum half a tank.But what if I want to stop and and my vaping session?There will be always half a tank juice left since I don’t want dry hits.How do I get rid of that half a tank spare juice if I vape it my upper side cottons in the coil will burn because they are not saturated. And if I pour it down the drain it would be very expensive.
Guys please help...
The tank paradox
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MAj8WE
Guys please help...
The tank paradox
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MAj8WE
General Vaping Discussion
Hi guys it's me again 
I am not even sure if I asked this question right. What was your first starter kit or what was your first equipment? What was your first vape device? You get what I mean lol
Mine was some sort of smartbox from innokin I got from my friend. What about you guys?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NXbjao

I am not even sure if I asked this question right. What was your first starter kit or what was your first equipment? What was your first vape device? You get what I mean lol
Mine was some sort of smartbox from innokin I got from my friend. What about you guys?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NXbjao
General Vaping Discussion
Applied Arts and Design: Turning Creativity into a Career
It's the intersection of high-tech and creativity; a bubbling potion of strategy, purpose, and communication. A career in Applied Arts and Design is both dynamic and versatile. Choose the clients and projects that inspire you to create masterpieces time and time again.
The Career 411
Professionals in applied arts and design are really graphic designers at heart...
Applied Arts and Design: Turning Creativity into a Career
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MUJF07
It's the intersection of high-tech and creativity; a bubbling potion of strategy, purpose, and communication. A career in Applied Arts and Design is both dynamic and versatile. Choose the clients and projects that inspire you to create masterpieces time and time again.
The Career 411
Professionals in applied arts and design are really graphic designers at heart...
Applied Arts and Design: Turning Creativity into a Career
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MUJF07
Sunday, 26 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Sure hope you don't mind me doing this @stols001.
Dear vape friends...Anna won a squonker but don't have batteries or a RDA/RTA/RDTA to use it with. That to me is just plain wrong. I'm sitting here thinking how many I have that I don't use..could easy donated it to her, but shipping from here is crazy and batteries more so.
Time to rally around one of our most willing contributers.
Anybody up to help her out..?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LsQ1ig
Dear vape friends...Anna won a squonker but don't have batteries or a RDA/RTA/RDTA to use it with. That to me is just plain wrong. I'm sitting here thinking how many I have that I don't use..could easy donated it to her, but shipping from here is crazy and batteries more so.
Time to rally around one of our most willing contributers.
Anybody up to help her out..?

from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LsQ1ig
General Vaping Discussion
So I have a couple little stories. My sister who wouldn't know the difference between a dog and a cat apparently. She likes to tell me how bad vaping is every time I see her. She tells me it's worse than cigarettes and that mods blow up and kill people all the time.
My best friend tried to tell me that what I'm doing is still smoking after I mentioned I hadn't smoked in 2 years now. And I said how do you figure? And he said you're just basically smoking through an electronic device instead...
Stories of people who know nothing about vaping trying to tell you about vaping
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Koae8N
My best friend tried to tell me that what I'm doing is still smoking after I mentioned I hadn't smoked in 2 years now. And I said how do you figure? And he said you're just basically smoking through an electronic device instead...
Stories of people who know nothing about vaping trying to tell you about vaping
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Koae8N
General Vaping Discussion
Hi everyone I am new to vaping and I have a question.
When Should I refill my tank to avoid dry hits?if I vape it all the way down the cotton cant get enough juice to vape but it is safe to store it so when I done with the vape should I leave some juice right? But I cannot leave a vape with juice in its tank for a long time. This is a paradox please help
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2obe4cr
When Should I refill my tank to avoid dry hits?if I vape it all the way down the cotton cant get enough juice to vape but it is safe to store it so when I done with the vape should I leave some juice right? But I cannot leave a vape with juice in its tank for a long time. This is a paradox please help
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2obe4cr
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I've been smoke free for 5 years (aside from the occasional beyond my stress limit smoke)
and until now, I've never been able to do a direct lung hit...honestly I couldn't really even do mouth to lung hits
I have severely bad allergies and sinus problems as well as asthma
After I quit smoking my lungs got better to where I hardly had to use my inhaler other than changing of seasons and hardly now get pneumonia which I used to get at least twice a year
so vaping for me was nice because i...
I've joined the cool kids *giggles* I can DTL now
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2oc5ni2
and until now, I've never been able to do a direct lung hit...honestly I couldn't really even do mouth to lung hits
I have severely bad allergies and sinus problems as well as asthma
After I quit smoking my lungs got better to where I hardly had to use my inhaler other than changing of seasons and hardly now get pneumonia which I used to get at least twice a year
so vaping for me was nice because i...
I've joined the cool kids *giggles* I can DTL now
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2oc5ni2
General Vaping Discussion
Hi everyone,
I just received a Polar mod with outdated firmware so I'd like to upgrade it. I'm on Mac, so I downloaded the firmware upgrade and the Mac app, tried every possible connection, the app doesn't seem to recognize the device...
I tried :
- connecting the device (with batteries) then starting the app
- starting the app then connecting the device (with batteries)
- connecting the device (WITHOUT batteries) then starting the app
- connecting the device (WITHOUT batteries and while...
Vaporesso Polar firmware upgrade, how to?!
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2uI0cte
I just received a Polar mod with outdated firmware so I'd like to upgrade it. I'm on Mac, so I downloaded the firmware upgrade and the Mac app, tried every possible connection, the app doesn't seem to recognize the device...
I tried :
- connecting the device (with batteries) then starting the app
- starting the app then connecting the device (with batteries)
- connecting the device (WITHOUT batteries) then starting the app
- connecting the device (WITHOUT batteries and while...
Vaporesso Polar firmware upgrade, how to?!
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2uI0cte
General Vaping Discussion
Hi there.
Firstly, I'd like to say it's good to be back. I used to be a compulsive reader of this forum years ago and I'm glad to be back on the horse so to speak.
After several years of not being in the know with vaping, I recently got a new vape and I'm going through teething problems somewhat. So I thought I'd air my issues on here and see what you all think.
The mod is a Vandyvape 80w box squonker and I have two atties to run on it. I initially bought the Dead Rabbit to squonk with,...
Efficient vaping
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BNnUuT
Firstly, I'd like to say it's good to be back. I used to be a compulsive reader of this forum years ago and I'm glad to be back on the horse so to speak.
After several years of not being in the know with vaping, I recently got a new vape and I'm going through teething problems somewhat. So I thought I'd air my issues on here and see what you all think.
The mod is a Vandyvape 80w box squonker and I have two atties to run on it. I initially bought the Dead Rabbit to squonk with,...
Efficient vaping
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BNnUuT
General Vaping Discussion
Just got a Vaporesso Swag and while there’s a lot about it to like I hate constantly having to refill it. I know that the battery cap prevents a larger tank being used but the coils the NRG SE takes are so wide that I just can’t get much juice in there. Has anyone had any luck using a similar sized tank that takes a smaller coil? Sorry if that’s a dumb question but I’m still relatively new to all this
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wfeVNU
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wfeVNU
Saturday, 25 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I feel like stuff like this is child appealing. Do you agree? Or disagree? First off I would rather buy a portable speaker from a reputable company then put a speaker up to my face. I just feel like these company's are asking for it. WHat do you guys think? I like the mod without the speaker. Water resistant and looks are great. It would be nice if It had better battery life.
Also I don't think people that climb rocks and mountains are and need to vape....
Am I the only one?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2vVkMXA
Also I don't think people that climb rocks and mountains are and need to vape....
Am I the only one?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2vVkMXA
General Vaping Discussion
Just for the fun of it... (and seriously, just for the FUN of it)

In a nutshell, and not that anyone actually kares, but here is a kwick overview of "MY" vape.

- Tootle Puffer in MTL mode
- Power mode only (VV/VW)
- 8-11 watts
- Koils - 1.0 to low 2s
- Smaller bore drip tips ("NO POOL NOODLES!")
- 14ish to like 15ish nic strength
- 65% PG (and PG comes first!!!)
So... Feel free to "CHANGE MY MIND"...
Change my mind. (I'm thrilled with my vape.)
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2tIUvvb
General Vaping Discussion
hello everyone , it's been along time since i was a regular participant of ECF , I have stayed a vaper since day one about 8yrs ago. lots of friends are not here that used to be in the modding forums , scubabatdan , ooSTURMoo, and a few others , i remember the days when there was alot of input when we were modding a 510 atty , and the many ideas of modding a box mod or tube mod , mesh wicking ,
ive been looking for those old posts of when we were modding stuff and coming up with different...
first week back
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2P5W3ry
ive been looking for those old posts of when we were modding stuff and coming up with different...
first week back
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2P5W3ry
General Vaping Discussion
Does anyone still use button tops? Any ProVari folks?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LqkX2Z
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LqkX2Z
General Vaping Discussion
Hi everybody, i'm new in this forum. Need help
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MzdsMg
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MzdsMg
Friday, 24 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Hi guys,
I have been waiting before for 2-3 months and everyone here helped me a lot. For some reasons (dizziness etc.) I stopped using them, but because I have not been able to quit a 1PAD smoking, I am back to vaping again... wish me luck this time.
Anyway, I got myself a pen-like vapor here, and have been experimenting for some juices around. I had a 6mg 50% pg/vg vape bought from the same shop, it was okay just had a...
Has VG Disabled my vapor?!
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LqbQ2b
I have been waiting before for 2-3 months and everyone here helped me a lot. For some reasons (dizziness etc.) I stopped using them, but because I have not been able to quit a 1PAD smoking, I am back to vaping again... wish me luck this time.
Anyway, I got myself a pen-like vapor here, and have been experimenting for some juices around. I had a 6mg 50% pg/vg vape bought from the same shop, it was okay just had a...
Has VG Disabled my vapor?!
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LqbQ2b
General Vaping Discussion
So i bought 4 sony 18650 tc5s off amazon They've all been working great except for one of them which has started to turn spotty and chicken pok like. It seems like the battery acid is melting out amd turning the green case right spotty. Either way, i know the battery def isn't safe to use but im wondering wherewis the best placp to dispose of the battery? View attachment 762511 View attachment 762511
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NgJfOy
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NgJfOy
General Vaping Discussion
.6 ohms pre built coil reading at .355 ohms any ideas anyone everything done properly everything is tightened
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BRjIKm
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BRjIKm
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Isit normal for a coil to keep poping
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2o9uSRk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2o9uSRk
General Vaping Discussion
My vape broke last night and my back up was out off juice I work in the woods very far from home my machine broke down and the mechanic had cigarettes and I gave in out of frustration had three cigs and I'm so dissapointed I feel like I just threw everything away now .
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2P40qDj
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2P40qDj
General Vaping Discussion
Brand new ego t battery wit lady beyond 40 mins. I have noticed that green light on charging adapter turns green after only 20 min on charger... Leading me to believe, I'm not getting a full charge
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wq2kGV
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wq2kGV
Thursday, 23 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
With all the talk of banning flavors, i gotta point out something. Blu, which, if im not mistaken, is made by tobacco company, is continuing to make and add new flavors to their line up. Same with the orher tobacco company made vape products. If a ban was imminent, would tobacco companies be still making new flavored products available? Makes me wonder a little.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BDdnlG
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BDdnlG
General Vaping Discussion
I’m new to building so I thought I’ll try buying some pre built coils online I got some 0.25ohms ni30 alien wire Clapton coils but it’s not reading at 0.25 ohms it’s reading at 0.206ohms and it keeps changing can anyone help me with this and tell me why this is happening
Thank you
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PAGbyu
Thank you
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PAGbyu
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hello, since the original thread is closed, I have to create a new one. At this time, there are several versions of this vaping device and I just can't sort it out. There is not enough information on the official website.
I'm interested only in sets with a PCC. I've found out there are at least two versions: Kamry Micro 3.0A (PCC has round corners) and 3.0B (PCC is more cornered). Are the two types compatible? Will e.g. an A PCC charge B ecigs and vice versa? What are the differences? What...
Kamry Micro
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2mBgy2X
I'm interested only in sets with a PCC. I've found out there are at least two versions: Kamry Micro 3.0A (PCC has round corners) and 3.0B (PCC is more cornered). Are the two types compatible? Will e.g. an A PCC charge B ecigs and vice versa? What are the differences? What...
Kamry Micro
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2mBgy2X
General Vaping Discussion
marked down from $8000.00 to only $6,999.00
vaporesso revenger mini 85w tc Starter kit nrg se sub-ohm
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2o3NNN9
vaporesso revenger mini 85w tc Starter kit nrg se sub-ohm
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2o3NNN9
General Vaping Discussion
FYI- I am not employeed by any vape company nor am I receiving any compensation for sharing my experiences.
If this is in the wrong forum, I apologize Mods. I am new to posting and read the rules and I don’t think I’m violating any.
I am not saying MyVpro is the best site to purchase vape gear but, I had a great customer service experience I wanted to share due to my recent and multiple horrorible experiences with other vendors. I have been getting burned lately. It seems since about Jan...
Bad recent Customer service experiences and my Great Experience with MyVpro
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wn2wXh
If this is in the wrong forum, I apologize Mods. I am new to posting and read the rules and I don’t think I’m violating any.
I am not saying MyVpro is the best site to purchase vape gear but, I had a great customer service experience I wanted to share due to my recent and multiple horrorible experiences with other vendors. I have been getting burned lately. It seems since about Jan...
Bad recent Customer service experiences and my Great Experience with MyVpro
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wn2wXh
General Vaping Discussion
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I've been vaping on EGO AIOs with 0.6 coils for a few months, and I've grown tired of their fickleness: if you tighten the coil too hard, liquid stops flowing to the coil and you ruin it; if you loose it too much, it loses contact and the coil doesn't ignite (plus it'll leak liquid when it's in your pocket). Also, it's very easy to overflood the coil and it becomes gurgly. So I have to be constantly: screw, drag, unscrew, let it soak (but not too much), screw, drag, etc. I've had 3...
EGO AIO alternative with similar form factor?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NbmYla
I've been vaping on EGO AIOs with 0.6 coils for a few months, and I've grown tired of their fickleness: if you tighten the coil too hard, liquid stops flowing to the coil and you ruin it; if you loose it too much, it loses contact and the coil doesn't ignite (plus it'll leak liquid when it's in your pocket). Also, it's very easy to overflood the coil and it becomes gurgly. So I have to be constantly: screw, drag, unscrew, let it soak (but not too much), screw, drag, etc. I've had 3...
EGO AIO alternative with similar form factor?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2NbmYla
General Vaping Discussion
Hello all I'm new here but I need some help my wismec Gen 3 will not power up. I have been noticing that lately I have to close the battery door a couple times to get it to come on. Just wondering if anyone else ran into this problem, or is it something I can fix myself.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2w80XND
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2w80XND
General Vaping Discussion
Well after 22 years of smoking I have only vaped for the past 16 days it was hard still is hard but I feel much better. My food tastes better, I don't smell like cigarettes. All these people saying that they want to ban flavored juices like my idiot home town of San Francisco can seriously go .... themselves. Vaping is saving my life.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2OZyVen
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2OZyVen
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
hello all, I am new to breezes and pods and I’m confused on a few things. I’ve heard that you can only use salt nic on the breeze and I’ve also heard it’s not true. Salt nic supposedly hits less hard but is twice the nicotine content. So my question is, if I were to get one, would I be able to use my old juice in it, thx. If anything of what I’ve said made 0 sense please correct me 
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LkIAdi

from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LkIAdi
General Vaping Discussion
Hey guys i have 1 question
i have had my drag for few months and when my screen is off and i press
fire button it has like 1 sec lag before fireing is that normal ?
but when the screen is on and i fire its instant
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2vWZ9XN
i have had my drag for few months and when my screen is off and i press
fire button it has like 1 sec lag before fireing is that normal ?
but when the screen is on and i fire its instant
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2vWZ9XN
General Vaping Discussion
Cigarettes don't have a very pleasant odor. But "Cigarettes" they are. "Stinkies" unnecessarily editorializes and is so juvenile. Call cigarettes what they are.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2v3C0Cm
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2v3C0Cm
Monday, 20 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
View attachment 761739
My wife sent me this, and I laughed my well you know off, after that I told her I was making some chocolate chip cookie vape juice, she replied I want a divorce.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2w1CiKx
My wife sent me this, and I laughed my well you know off, after that I told her I was making some chocolate chip cookie vape juice, she replied I want a divorce.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2w1CiKx
General Vaping Discussion
So done. I've struggled with the Majesty mod for four months and it's been nothing but frustration. Leaking tanks, RBA deck has multiple design flaws that constantly require repair and attention, display randomly goes really dark, etc....
I'm usually not the type to get on a public forum and trash a company but...if you make trash I will trash it. Just pissed I put the investment into it.
Geekvape Aegis Legend and a Zeus Dual Coil RTA from the local vape shop...TOMORROW MORNING.
See ya...
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LbyCuz
I'm usually not the type to get on a public forum and trash a company but...if you make trash I will trash it. Just pissed I put the investment into it.
Geekvape Aegis Legend and a Zeus Dual Coil RTA from the local vape shop...TOMORROW MORNING.
See ya...
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2LbyCuz
General Vaping Discussion
I'm new to vaping, but interested in upgrading from my £8.99 e-pen. Any advice for me?
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2vVAcf4
Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2vVAcf4
General Vaping Discussion
So I have a reuleaux gen3 300w mod. I have been very happy with it. I get a couple of days out of it as it is a three-cell mod. I usually Vape between 60 and 70 w. I use both rdas and tanks. Just recently I have noticed the batteries discharging at a different rate. I know this mod has some protection so the battery is discharged equally. However for the first time one of the batteries is discharged completely before the other two. I am wondering if the firmware upgrade will help with this....
Releaux Gen 3-300 watt firmware up-grade?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Mzqjxv
Releaux Gen 3-300 watt firmware up-grade?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Mzqjxv
Sunday, 19 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I be wonderin how yo would feel if known rapper promoted vapin, causin tha government to bump it too. Ya may not be bumpin hiphop but may be helping yo cause. I appreciate what yo got to say.
I am wondering how you would feel if known Hip-Hop artist promoted vaping, in effect causing the government to promote it too. You may not listen to or like rap & hip-hop but it will help the cause big time. I would appreciate your valuable feedback.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MBWs7j
I am wondering how you would feel if known Hip-Hop artist promoted vaping, in effect causing the government to promote it too. You may not listen to or like rap & hip-hop but it will help the cause big time. I would appreciate your valuable feedback.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MBWs7j
General Vaping Discussion
So done. I've struggled with the Majesty mod for four months and it's been nothing but frustration. Leaking tanks, RBA deck has multiple design flaws that constantly require repair and attention, display randomly goes really dark, etc....
I'm usually not the type to get on a public forum and trash a company but...if you make trash I will trash it. Just pissed I put the investment into it.
Geekvape Aegis Legend and a Zeus Dual Coil RTA from the local vape shop...TOMORROW MORNING.
See ya...
F' Smok
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nPEfFu
I'm usually not the type to get on a public forum and trash a company but...if you make trash I will trash it. Just pissed I put the investment into it.
Geekvape Aegis Legend and a Zeus Dual Coil RTA from the local vape shop...TOMORROW MORNING.
See ya...
F' Smok
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nPEfFu
General Vaping Discussion
i usually vape a suorin air with 50mg nic juice. If i’m switching to a 0.15 ohm small vape stick what level nicotine would be the equivalent to 50mg in a suorin?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2L9ntdI
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2L9ntdI
General Vaping Discussion
First of all I apologize if I am posting in the wrong area and if I am asking a question that may have already been address somewhere else. I am new to the forum and I have jet to get the bearings straight.
I am looking for suggestions from members that are more experienced with me with Vaporesso kits.
I am using two Swag kits and I like them a lot.
One still has the GT2 coil it came with and I like it a lot. The second one is with a GT4, I like it as well but I prefer the flavor of the...
Wanting to buy a new Vaporesso (kit)
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2vUHVu4
I am looking for suggestions from members that are more experienced with me with Vaporesso kits.
I am using two Swag kits and I like them a lot.
One still has the GT2 coil it came with and I like it a lot. The second one is with a GT4, I like it as well but I prefer the flavor of the...
Wanting to buy a new Vaporesso (kit)
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2vUHVu4
General Vaping Discussion
Doesn't matter where they are based, timbuktoo, the north pole , where ever !. If you could provide a link i'd be most greatful. Not interested in clones though. Just authentic atomizers, rda rdta rba, rta. So please don't give me a link to "Fast tech" or anywhere like that. I'm sure they do have authentics but wading through and finding the authentics would be.....time consuming....
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nNKCsX
General Vaping Discussion
I have a good slow charging charger that automatically shuts off when the batfery is charged to keep from overcharging. Do 30 amp batteries take longer to charge then 20 amp or do they charge about the same?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BwEHlw
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BwEHlw
General Vaping Discussion
Hi everyone,
I recently started DTL vaping for about a week and a half. I was so happy I could finally taste my flavors.
Using the mesh coil in the horizon falcon, m2, and fireluke mesh pro triple coil at 60-75 watts. 70/30 vg/pg.
The past 5 days my throat has felt sore and dry. 3 days after I got the fireluke mesh pro in the mail. I tried not vaping for a day and it feels a little better. Could it be a reaction to PG ? At 60-75 watts should I be vaping higher vg liquids ? If so what is the...
Sore throat recently
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wbXMUw
I recently started DTL vaping for about a week and a half. I was so happy I could finally taste my flavors.
Using the mesh coil in the horizon falcon, m2, and fireluke mesh pro triple coil at 60-75 watts. 70/30 vg/pg.
The past 5 days my throat has felt sore and dry. 3 days after I got the fireluke mesh pro in the mail. I tried not vaping for a day and it feels a little better. Could it be a reaction to PG ? At 60-75 watts should I be vaping higher vg liquids ? If so what is the...
Sore throat recently
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2wbXMUw
Saturday, 18 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
hi , long time since i posted but just now i wanted to switch tanks , and when i unscrewd my current one something fell out . i found it its something gold , i put it in my 510 hole and now it works , but how can i make it stay there
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PlmoTf
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PlmoTf
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I ordered the Jomo lite 60 TC kit and it arrived in the mail today. The mod won't turn on no matter what and I'm not really sure what to do. I clicked the fire button 5 times, let it charge for a few minutes, everything. If anyone could give me some insight it would be greatly appreciated!
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2L33P39
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2L33P39
General Vaping Discussion
It seems a little bit of a gimmick, has anyone used one? The battery life is a little more than a Blu Pro pen, the power that this has I doubt would last that long at all. Here are the specs in picture below [emoji16]
What do you think? Worth the £30?![[IMG]](https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180818/50f1a2767bf044bf4d3e0bd7b58a3f9f.jpg)
Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MUOnaN
What do you think? Worth the £30?
Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MUOnaN
General Vaping Discussion
I changed my 28×2+38 nichrome fused claptons 8 wrap on a 3mm bit to a 9 wrap. Thats all the wraps I can get off the pre wrapped coils and my roll of wire isnt in yet. I ohm out at .403 so I know Im safe for sure and will get more battery life. Now when my samsung 20S come in they shud fire even better. I shud be good to go with safety. Im as safe as u can get with the Hex Ohm now. The vape shop which u guys told me not to listen to did say I wud notice a slight difference in power with the...
9 wraps
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nPoSNs
9 wraps
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nPoSNs
Friday, 17 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Hey folks got the Joye Evic Primo Fit with a Joye Exceed Air tank on top. Anyone else have these?
The Mod is supposed to be 2800 , not sure about that. But it's by far the fastest charging that I've had regardless. Nicely compact, like the Pico. And big button that works well for squeezing.
The Air tank is great. Running it alongside a Zenith and it just had a better draw. The slide topfill is much easier than the regular Exceed tank.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2L1x86b
The Mod is supposed to be 2800 , not sure about that. But it's by far the fastest charging that I've had regardless. Nicely compact, like the Pico. And big button that works well for squeezing.
The Air tank is great. Running it alongside a Zenith and it just had a better draw. The slide topfill is much easier than the regular Exceed tank.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2L1x86b
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I did a search for threads about the Nautilis X to see if anyone faced the issue I was having. Clogged airflow and wet slurps.
Not like completely clogged but definite reduction in flow and flavor with a broken in coil pack. Pardon me if it was covered and I'm duplicating the subject.
So if anyone else is plagued by this a simple fix is roll up a sliver of paper towel starting at about an 1/4 inch wide. Twist it down into the top of the chimney. Carefully push it in a little further than...
Wet hits and reduced flow fix Nautilis X
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nMI7XT
Not like completely clogged but definite reduction in flow and flavor with a broken in coil pack. Pardon me if it was covered and I'm duplicating the subject.
So if anyone else is plagued by this a simple fix is roll up a sliver of paper towel starting at about an 1/4 inch wide. Twist it down into the top of the chimney. Carefully push it in a little further than...
Wet hits and reduced flow fix Nautilis X
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nMI7XT
General Vaping Discussion
Hi All,
I use to be here a lot when I first stopped smoking and started vaping. It has been 2 years and 2 months without even one cig!! I smoked for 40 years and was smoking 2 and half packs a day the last so many years.
I guess I just stopped in here for a little encouragement. Hell, maybe I could even offer a little encouragement
I have friends who still smoke and I smell it. Other people see me vap and always have an opinion (not that I ask for it). It just gets me a little...
Feeling a Little Discouraged
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2KZaiMd
I use to be here a lot when I first stopped smoking and started vaping. It has been 2 years and 2 months without even one cig!! I smoked for 40 years and was smoking 2 and half packs a day the last so many years.
I guess I just stopped in here for a little encouragement. Hell, maybe I could even offer a little encouragement

Feeling a Little Discouraged
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2KZaiMd
General Vaping Discussion
Everyone on here told me I was using cheap batteries that wud bolw up and wudnt fully pull my Hex ohm. So I ordered Sony 30amp vct4 2100mah from mooch. I did what everyone said and checked mooch. Did I order the right batteries? Mooch says they are 40amp 2100mah.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MV3q4t
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MV3q4t
General Vaping Discussion
how do I know what watts to use when building my own coils in my rda I’ve just starting building I just wanted how do I know what wattage to vape at ideas anyone plus I would like to know if there’s like any apps or anything that could tell me what wattage to use for which ohms (resistance) thank you
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Mwveze
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Mwveze
General Vaping Discussion
Starting with my new Espion/Procore kit, I have started paying some attention to my vaping metrics...
(1) 8421 secs / 3654 puff = 2,3secs per puff
(2) 3654 puffs / coil (proC1), no signs of wear so far.
*1) while that's my average, single puffs vary a lot depending on the wattage I use. low watts=long puff, high watts=short puffs.
*2) interesting to track a coil's average lifetime, (subsequently) determine the remaining lifetime of a coil of the same type, see differences between...
Metrics: PuffTime/Puffs & Puffs/Coil
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Bsfrx8
(1) 8421 secs / 3654 puff = 2,3secs per puff
(2) 3654 puffs / coil (proC1), no signs of wear so far.
*1) while that's my average, single puffs vary a lot depending on the wattage I use. low watts=long puff, high watts=short puffs.
*2) interesting to track a coil's average lifetime, (subsequently) determine the remaining lifetime of a coil of the same type, see differences between...
Metrics: PuffTime/Puffs & Puffs/Coil
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Bsfrx8
Thursday, 16 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
It's only been a week since I was a smoker, and yet I know I've beat the habit. I started smoking when I was just 18, and I've burned through at least a pack a day since then - 25 years of addiction. I did a lot of drugs in college, and I developed mental problems and received a long and impossible-to-pronounce diagnosis from psychiatrists who told me that, while it would be better if I quit cigarettes, a lot of people like me smoke and it's incredibly difficult for people with my diagnosis...
Doctors Told Me I Couldn't Quit. Guess What?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PgWOyP
Doctors Told Me I Couldn't Quit. Guess What?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2PgWOyP
General Vaping Discussion
UK Science and Technology Committee have just released their report on E-cigarettes and it's really positive.
Full Report:
E-cigarettes - Science and Technology Committee - House of Commons
Here's a link to the summary:
E-cigarettes - Science and Technology Committee - House of Commons
UK Government report on E-cigarettes
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MBZd93
Full Report:
E-cigarettes - Science and Technology Committee - House of Commons
Here's a link to the summary:
E-cigarettes - Science and Technology Committee - House of Commons
UK Government report on E-cigarettes
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MBZd93
General Vaping Discussion
I want a bunch of strangers who i have never even talked to before to recommend the best mod and tank there is for me to use. And btw, what's the best vape juice that i can get? And should i use nic salt or freebase? I read that you can only use nic salt in a MTL type tank. I want to use DL so do i need freebase nic?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nL6c1m
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2nL6c1m
General Vaping Discussion
Hello ladies and gentlemen of the board!
Well, question here, in case anyone has any insight. I've been vaping for a year and half. Never, not even when I first started, had I had the usual vaper's cough. Now, it's been about four months, I always cough when I vape, and ONLY when I vape. It's a "tickle" when I draw the vapor, I cough near every time I draw and it stops there.
Curious thing is, I do sneak a cig from time to time and the "analogs" don't... tickle and I don't cough.
I have...
Cough only when vaping
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MSrjcT
Well, question here, in case anyone has any insight. I've been vaping for a year and half. Never, not even when I first started, had I had the usual vaper's cough. Now, it's been about four months, I always cough when I vape, and ONLY when I vape. It's a "tickle" when I draw the vapor, I cough near every time I draw and it stops there.
Curious thing is, I do sneak a cig from time to time and the "analogs" don't... tickle and I don't cough.
I have...
Cough only when vaping
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2MSrjcT
General Vaping Discussion
the weird thing I'm experiencing is that usually when you get a dry hit you get dizzy but now I don't get dizzy
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2OIEYUy
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2OIEYUy
General Vaping Discussion
The post office gets one of my packages after the mail truck already left to deliver stuff.. Looks like I'm waiting another day to get my cheapo mod, even though the post office has it today..
At least I'm getting some MyBlu kits today, so I'll have some new toys anyways (3 kits arriving today to be exact lol, and 2 more that should either be here tomorrow or Saturday)
What is everyone's opinion on the gold leaf flavor that comes in the $1 promotional kits? Don't think I'm a huge fan of...
That Feeling When.. (also, MyBlu kits)
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2KXLjsI
At least I'm getting some MyBlu kits today, so I'll have some new toys anyways (3 kits arriving today to be exact lol, and 2 more that should either be here tomorrow or Saturday)
What is everyone's opinion on the gold leaf flavor that comes in the $1 promotional kits? Don't think I'm a huge fan of...
That Feeling When.. (also, MyBlu kits)
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2KXLjsI
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Got this new tank the other day. The fireluke pro. I got the new mesh sextuple coils for it. I use to hit my last fireluke sextuple at 90 watts. The voopoo drag recommended I hit it at 80 watts. My last fireluke mesh tank, the first one, recommended 80 too but it was way too high. I always would do 65 watts and it was perfect. In fact, I was having flavor issues until I went back down to 65.
Is it the same case with this one? Since its a much bigger coil with three separate coils inside, I...
Fireluke Mesh Pro not hitting good
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2OF4XvM
Is it the same case with this one? Since its a much bigger coil with three separate coils inside, I...
Fireluke Mesh Pro not hitting good
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2OF4XvM
General Vaping Discussion
I didn't know where to post this so if it is in the wrong place please move to the appropriate forum.
As you all know age verification is being required on a lot of site already. There will be more to come. [Removed at OPs request] I went to Ecig.com and went through checkout and got a page that said my order was accepted. Then another page popped up saying I needed to send them a photo ID. They took my money but held my order until I sent a pic photo ID/driver's license. There's no...
List of vendors Age Verification requirements.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BSWGlM
As you all know age verification is being required on a lot of site already. There will be more to come. [Removed at OPs request] I went to Ecig.com and went through checkout and got a page that said my order was accepted. Then another page popped up saying I needed to send them a photo ID. They took my money but held my order until I sent a pic photo ID/driver's license. There's no...
List of vendors Age Verification requirements.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BSWGlM
General Vaping Discussion
I ordered the last Jac Vapour Series -B DNA 22mm they had available since I couldn't find it anywhere else. They charged for international shipping to US and I got my order confirmation. So I ordered a new skin for it at Vapor Skinz because I knew that would take several days. I just got an e-mail that they won't ship to US and they refunded my money. I REALLY wanted this and have been waiting two days for the tracking number, all for nothing. And now I've wasted $20 on a wrap I'll never be...
Anyone use MeloVape?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BfFxTS
Anyone use MeloVape?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BfFxTS
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Does more restricted airflow give denser clouds. I have a kennedy and the clouds r big but no flavor. The layer cake gives more flavor. Its not as big of a cloud but it seems like its denser. Am I getting the same nicotine from both vapes. I like my nicotine high I get first thing in the morning. I seem to get the same high from both. The Kennedy has a lot of airflow but its like breathing in air. I get no flavor from it. So which is really better? I know I keep going back to the layercake...
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2OyyW8P
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2OyyW8P
General Vaping Discussion
Has anyone tried the warrior rda from wotofo? Whats ur thoughts.
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Bb1ljj
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Bb1ljj
General Vaping Discussion
Our Portable new ZQ is very popular , there are so many fans in youtube now. the details , you are welcome to browse this short video in Youtub. Enjoy it!
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2w7XIFc
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2w7XIFc
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Hi guys and gals,
Long-time member, haven't posted in ages.
Currently using a Vaporesso Tarot Nano and still using Kanger Subtank Minis.
The Subtank minis are getting old and starting to wear out - I can just tell.
I'm looking for recommendations for a new, reliable and well-regarded built in battery box mod and new Rebuildable tank will let me vape around 25-50w.
I am after a high battery capacity built in battery mod over 2500 mah in a small form factor like the Tarot Nano, and tank...
New Tank and small Box Mod suggestions?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Oyr5rN
Long-time member, haven't posted in ages.
Currently using a Vaporesso Tarot Nano and still using Kanger Subtank Minis.
The Subtank minis are getting old and starting to wear out - I can just tell.
I'm looking for recommendations for a new, reliable and well-regarded built in battery box mod and new Rebuildable tank will let me vape around 25-50w.
I am after a high battery capacity built in battery mod over 2500 mah in a small form factor like the Tarot Nano, and tank...
New Tank and small Box Mod suggestions?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Oyr5rN
General Vaping Discussion
Hey guys it's been a while since my last post. 2009 I posted lol. Little background...I started vaping with a 901 many here probably dont even know what that is. So my goal was to quit smoking and I did with help from this forum then went back to smoking back to vaping and so on. I been through every phase of vaping. Cartomizers, tanks, rdas rtas rdtas. I would allways go back to smoking feeling that the 3mg 6 mg was not filling my nic requirement. Well I'm now on to the nic salts and it...
Nic salt help!! For old school vaper
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Bdli9g
Nic salt help!! For old school vaper
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2Bdli9g
General Vaping Discussion
I know it's been awhile, sorry...but continuing on with my thread The Best Things In Life Are Free
obviously those are a bit outdated but a few still seem to be working, also after the FDA started the whole no free samples it's harder to find acutal freebies, most are $1 - $5 but still not bad deals for what you're getting
$1 greensmoke kit for first...
The Best Things In Life Are Free
pt 2
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BeuJ8s
obviously those are a bit outdated but a few still seem to be working, also after the FDA started the whole no free samples it's harder to find acutal freebies, most are $1 - $5 but still not bad deals for what you're getting
$1 greensmoke kit for first...
The Best Things In Life Are Free

from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2BeuJ8s
General Vaping Discussion
Which is better restricted airflow or a lot of airflow. I like the layercake because it has restricted airflow even wide open. What do u guys like?
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2P7VTRj
from General Vaping Discussion https://ift.tt/2P7VTRj
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
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General Vaping Discussion
This is just an opinion piece based on the info given from the website below. Why I don't like Nic Salts . Look at the advantages and ...
You dripped a carto You dripped a Cisco You've used a Boge You've squonked with a carto on your Reo Grand You've gone to the...
Hello, can someone send me a good ss316l profile for DNA 75c? I remember djlbs vapes has it on website, but I can't find it.. from G...