Monday, 20 August 2018

General Vaping Discussion

So I have a reuleaux gen3 300w mod. I have been very happy with it. I get a couple of days out of it as it is a three-cell mod. I usually Vape between 60 and 70 w. I use both rdas and tanks. Just recently I have noticed the batteries discharging at a different rate. I know this mod has some protection so the battery is discharged equally. However for the first time one of the batteries is discharged completely before the other two. I am wondering if the firmware upgrade will help with this....

Releaux Gen 3-300 watt firmware up-grade?

from General Vaping Discussion

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General Vaping Discussion

This is just an opinion piece based on the info given from the website below. Why I don't like Nic Salts . Look at the advantages and ...