Sunday, 21 July 2019

General Vaping Discussion

When you took a drag, did you inhale/suck ONLY with your lips or did you take deeper drags breathing from deeper within your chest (as you usually do when you vape)?

I ask because I quit smoking at the beginning of 2011. I recently picked up Joytech's new eroll mac PCC kit (the 510 cig-a-like), and I'm trying to remember how most people took drags from a real cigarette and for the life of me, I can't remember because it's been so long since I smoked!

When I first started vaping in mid...

When you smoked analog cigarettes...

from General Vaping Discussion

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General Vaping Discussion

This is just an opinion piece based on the info given from the website below. Why I don't like Nic Salts . Look at the advantages and ...