View attachment 757885 Everyone knows I like my clones, while going over my vgod clone box I seen this. This made me laugh, where do I register a clone China!!!
from General Vaping Discussion
"more smokers are turning to electronic cigarettes to help them quit smoking" eCigarette-shaped device containing a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled, used to simulate the experience of smoking tobacco. This blog is to review the diffrent brands and styles so you can make the right choice.
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Quick one folks.
I know this has been discussed a bunch of times, but the Travel forum is not showing up on my phone.
Has anyone flown into Mexico, specifically Mexico City, recently with their gear? I know how to pack and was successful in going to Cancun a couple of years ago.
tl;dr - Just wondering if the situation has lighten up at all?
from General Vaping Discussion
I know this has been discussed a bunch of times, but the Travel forum is not showing up on my phone.
Has anyone flown into Mexico, specifically Mexico City, recently with their gear? I know how to pack and was successful in going to Cancun a couple of years ago.
tl;dr - Just wondering if the situation has lighten up at all?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Today the screen on my Ijoy Diamond PD270 stopped working. The mod still seems to work and I can still adjust the wattage, but the screen just stays black. I've tried updating the firmware but the device won't show up on my PC. Anybody have a solution?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Took out the old Joytech Exceed D19 vape pen Sunday to meander down memory lane and to see if it still worked. Fully charged it and added some juice to the tank. Of course the coil flooded (now I remember why I hated that pen
) so I put it in an atty stand on my coffee table and forgot about it.
Jump ahead 24 hours- I’m building some coils when I see plumes of vape, smell burning and hear sizzling coming from the coffee table. The pen was firing on its own!
I picked it up and it...
Vape Pen Fire Button Stuck On!
from General Vaping Discussion

Jump ahead 24 hours- I’m building some coils when I see plumes of vape, smell burning and hear sizzling coming from the coffee table. The pen was firing on its own!

I picked it up and it...
Vape Pen Fire Button Stuck On!
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Anyone have a Battle Deck for sale?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
why my ehpro mod screen says error6 elechot? Please guys help me
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
Monday, 30 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
The Kaos Spectrum in the USA is $29. Here in China, cheapest price $49. ...?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
In need a of a new charger and batteries, the shops by me are all too much. 22 bucks for a set of batteries and 50 for a charger . Does anyone know any good online retailers for mods, batteries and chargers that are authentic ?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Just noticed that my quad core SS fused claptons jump in resistance as I am firing, usually by .3 to .4 max. A little freaked out as I never paid attention to it before..
Could there be something wrong with my coil or is this normal?
from General Vaping Discussion
Could there be something wrong with my coil or is this normal?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Maybe you're in a smoking session area. Do you notice how the cigarette smokers try to stay away from us. Do cigarette smokers see us as a threat? They waived the Vape away like it's bothering them. What do you do when somebody waves your Vape as if it's bothering them,
This pisses me off sometime how about you
from General Vaping Discussion
This pisses me off sometime how about you
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hey everyone,
I've been talking to with the guys at work and they pulled up PWM boxes and the Moonbox that I carried back in December. We got to talking and I plan to go home and build on it tonight for tomorrow or even the next week.
Anyone got any suggested builds? I have the wire to make just about anything with round wire, except Aliens. I always overstretch and end up with a loose clapton in the end. I do however have have some 3x28g, 36g wrapped Ni-chrome 80 Alien wire to use until I...
So...I'm going to pull out the old Moonshot...
from General Vaping Discussion
I've been talking to with the guys at work and they pulled up PWM boxes and the Moonbox that I carried back in December. We got to talking and I plan to go home and build on it tonight for tomorrow or even the next week.
Anyone got any suggested builds? I have the wire to make just about anything with round wire, except Aliens. I always overstretch and end up with a loose clapton in the end. I do however have have some 3x28g, 36g wrapped Ni-chrome 80 Alien wire to use until I...
So...I'm going to pull out the old Moonshot...
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Been meaning to ask this for a while. I've noticed different mods seem to have a small discrepancy between output when dialed to the same settings. Any advice on how best to test it out other than just going from one to another? Cheers.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
So I've been given some pods to review lately, personally, they are good and do the trick. seemingly very discrete and a decent battery life
Whats everyone's thoughts?
Do you think they are good to have?
Do you think they are ideal?
Are they a good back up for mods?
Nic Salts or not?

from General Vaping Discussion
Whats everyone's thoughts?
Do you think they are good to have?
Do you think they are ideal?
Are they a good back up for mods?
Nic Salts or not?

from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Cigarettes don't have a very pleasant odor. But "Cigarettes" they are. "Stinkies" unnecessarily editorializes and is so juvenile. Call cigarettes what they are.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Just lost one of my Istick 30 watters. It died a peaceful death. Sitting here vaping away and it went dark. Subed out my Istick power nano for now, but it's to small. Just ordered an Istick 60 watter. Hope to have it in a few days. Battery death is stressful.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
Sunday, 29 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Anyone have an idea why suddenly my Kaos ISB is not reconized?
When I put in batteries, the startup image flashes several times then the screen is black. No response from the fire button and the USB is not reconized.
This just started, it was not dropped or settings changed. Just 1 minute working, the next minute whacked.
from General Vaping Discussion
When I put in batteries, the startup image flashes several times then the screen is black. No response from the fire button and the USB is not reconized.
This just started, it was not dropped or settings changed. Just 1 minute working, the next minute whacked.
from General Vaping Discussion
Saturday, 28 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Hey everyone, im getting tired of getting someone to make my coils for RDA on my tugboat, ive heard that a nautilus mini that has a 510 connection will work on them? aslong as they are above for 1.5ohms? could be wrong thats just what ive read.. lol.. thinking about getting one since its also pretty annoying to drip on the go. just to specify it is a tugboat "tuglyfe" clone, its dual parallel with a mosfet chip. also what batteries would be recommended to go with this? ive read on the Aspire...
Tugboat tuglyfe clone.
from General Vaping Discussion
Tugboat tuglyfe clone.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Ok, so first a little background. I'm an old member here but I haven't posted in awhile. I am a former smoker and a former full time vaper I quit cigarettes and started vaping in 2013. At the time carto tanks were very popular and i used them almost exclusively for almost a year. In that years time I worked my way from 18mg to 5mg juice and then I quit vaping full time. From that point forward I have mostly vaped only on the weekends in the evening. So I've been a little out of touch...
Looking for new setup
from General Vaping Discussion
Looking for new setup
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Okay so i was vaping just like i was for the last 3-4 weeks with my big baby beast tank and then all of a sudden the atomizer flooded. I put a new atomizer in and it flooded again. I though okay maybe the orings aren't on very good. so i took them off and back on and happened again. Then I went on youtube and found a massive problem which was the same problem as mine. There is a seal on the top of the tank where you fill the e-liquid and it seems it can expand and when it does so it flood...
Smok big baby beast tank seal problem
from General Vaping Discussion
Smok big baby beast tank seal problem
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I have a Smoant Charon 2 and a baby prince tank with a .15 mesh coil in it and I can't get it to read any lower than .19. Could this cause any issues? If so is there anything I can do about it?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
this is obviously just MY pet peeve but I’ve had it since I was a noobie looking for help...
It’s not helpful when someone esp a noobie comes here to ask for help with their coils/atty and everyone chimes in about building their own coils and how much better they are & how much money they’ll save etc etc etc...Then a long list of tweets about which RTA would be good for a beginner. Blah blah blah
So cool you build your own coils. Awesome. But not everyone wants to or can. Or are just...
Pet Peeve
from General Vaping Discussion
It’s not helpful when someone esp a noobie comes here to ask for help with their coils/atty and everyone chimes in about building their own coils and how much better they are & how much money they’ll save etc etc etc...Then a long list of tweets about which RTA would be good for a beginner. Blah blah blah
So cool you build your own coils. Awesome. But not everyone wants to or can. Or are just...
Pet Peeve
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I have several questions which fall into different categories but I didn’t want to ask on every fórum. I understand everyone have different styles when it comes to vaping and that's ok, it helps me explore and find what I best like. I tried DL vaping and while its nice with some e-juice find with others t isn't. I have tried eGo batteries with clearomizers and I like the MTL and how It taste I kind of like eGo batteries because I can swap easily from marihuana oils my SMOK battery minimum is...
some tank and e-juice questions
from General Vaping Discussion
some tank and e-juice questions
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
First the fireluke mesh which most reviewers raved about (I have one). Then the falcon mesh which, per most reviewers, was better then the fireluke. Then freemax came out with the mesh pro (which I also have) with the double and triple mesh coils which most say is better than the falcon. In September horizon tech will introduce their double and triple mesh coils. Just to top everything off Innokin has just came out with a mtl mesh coil. In my opinion the winners in all of this are us the...
Let the battle commence
from General Vaping Discussion
Let the battle commence
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hola amigos y amigas. I am hitting a wall. I am at a loss as to how to let go of my pacifier. I have made great strides though. When I do have a regular it isn’t until about 2:00 pm, and then not until afternoon working hours. Each time I say to myself, “I do not need this, I do not need to bring these,” I end up grabbing at the last minute.
I have multiple devices. I have multiple flavors. I don’t really think I like having all kinds of flavors. I never really “thought” about the taste...
Must Stop the Insanity! Need advice on stopping dual-use.
from General Vaping Discussion
I have multiple devices. I have multiple flavors. I don’t really think I like having all kinds of flavors. I never really “thought” about the taste...
Must Stop the Insanity! Need advice on stopping dual-use.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hi everyone,
I've kept away from clones ever since I started vaping, because I wanted to experience the real thing. However, I recently got a genuine interest in mech tubes (I already have a mech mod, it's just not a tube, it's a squonk box), but most of the ones that actually appeal me are not that affordable.
I'm thinking about trying a Ronin clone, and I know it won't be anywhere near as well-made as a genuine one, but putting that aside, what concerns me is safety.
There are...
Are mech clones dangerous?
from General Vaping Discussion
I've kept away from clones ever since I started vaping, because I wanted to experience the real thing. However, I recently got a genuine interest in mech tubes (I already have a mech mod, it's just not a tube, it's a squonk box), but most of the ones that actually appeal me are not that affordable.
I'm thinking about trying a Ronin clone, and I know it won't be anywhere near as well-made as a genuine one, but putting that aside, what concerns me is safety.
There are...
Are mech clones dangerous?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
So I just got a G-PRIV2 Luxe and imI wondeiwon what people who alrwady have it think about the mod. Also, I decided to use my Vaporesso Cascade on it instead of the TFV12 as the EU only has a 2ml capacity against the cascades 7/2ml. (To buy the tanks where I go to they're the same price).
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
Friday, 27 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Hi guys,
heavy smoker here, I need to switch to this s...t to a very satisfying vape build.
I'm in search of a BF system with circuit and 2 atom types that allow me to vape both MTL and a little DTL, whit this last in favor of a flavor chasing, absolutely not Cloud chasing. At the same time I don't love to vape like a pipe from those huge drip tip holes.
I watched many YT videos but honestly I'm unable to decide.
Any advice?
Money is not a problem relatively, more or less 150€ for the...
Atom + battery box could you help me?
from General Vaping Discussion
heavy smoker here, I need to switch to this s...t to a very satisfying vape build.
I'm in search of a BF system with circuit and 2 atom types that allow me to vape both MTL and a little DTL, whit this last in favor of a flavor chasing, absolutely not Cloud chasing. At the same time I don't love to vape like a pipe from those huge drip tip holes.
I watched many YT videos but honestly I'm unable to decide.
Any advice?
Money is not a problem relatively, more or less 150€ for the...
Atom + battery box could you help me?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
What would you do if vaping became illegal. Would you return to smoking cigarettes. Or would you dip or chew tobacco? I'm just curious what you would do if you could no longer Vape?.
. Thanks in advance
I'm calculating my Alternatives should this turn South. I'm hoping to vape peacefully for the rest of my life but I am concerned with the latest shenanigans with anti Vape undertones. Just curious what you would do
from General Vaping Discussion
. Thanks in advance
I'm calculating my Alternatives should this turn South. I'm hoping to vape peacefully for the rest of my life but I am concerned with the latest shenanigans with anti Vape undertones. Just curious what you would do
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I've been using Vaporesso mods since the Revenger was released. I bought the Revenger, the Revenger X, the Switcher for myself, the Armour Pro for my wife and now the Polar for myself. I've really liked these devices, both mods and tanks and my wife says the Armour Pro is her favorite vape ever.
Coils are only lasting about a day and a half for me with the Polar though...
About the time I bought the Polar I tried a new juice for the first time in ages and opened the airflow on the tank....
A decade of vaping and now I'm flummoxed
from General Vaping Discussion
Coils are only lasting about a day and a half for me with the Polar though...
About the time I bought the Polar I tried a new juice for the first time in ages and opened the airflow on the tank....
A decade of vaping and now I'm flummoxed
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I am just curious...can c-b-d oil be vaped through a Vapor Zeus from vapor4life? I do not feel like buying a mod kit to try this out when I may just be able to use my vapor Zeus. Thanks in advance.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
Thursday, 26 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I heard it isnt a coil killer but i've also heard people say it is on their different flavors. like the lemon twist ones. is it a coil killer?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hey everyone. So I've been vaping for nearly a decade and been very stubborn about change (Nautilus tank -> Triton tank -> iSub V Tank). While I was MTL vaping I was using 18mg juice which I believe is fairly standard. Then when I moved to direct lung vaping I had to drop the nicotine level, as expected. My go-to coils have been the KAL BVC 0.5ohm's for my iSub V tank - which I vape at 54.5W with 6mg of nic. I picked up a baby beast fairly recently and tried the various coils and decided on...
What's going on with my nicotine levels?
from General Vaping Discussion
What's going on with my nicotine levels?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hey everyone. So I've been vaping for nearly a decade and been very stubborn about change each time I've found something I liked. Nautilus tank -> Triton tank -> iSub V Tank. While I was MTL vaping I was using 18mg juice which I believe is fairly standard. Then when I moved to direct lung vaping I had to drop the level, as expected. My go-to coils have been the KAL BVC 0.5ohms for my iSub V tank - which I vape at 54.5W with 6mg of nic. I picked up a baby beast fairly recently and tried the...
Finding the right nicotine level (?)
from General Vaping Discussion
Finding the right nicotine level (?)
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I replaced one of my mods with a vaporesso swag kit. To my surprise smok coils work in a vaporesso tank. And vice versa. I put a vaporesso coil in a smok beast tank and it works perfect. Something tells me I'll be buying vaporesso coils from now on.
Superb flavor.
Does smok own vaporesso or vice versa?
Or is this just a matter of circumstances?
They say no questions a dumb question so thank you in advance for any insight
from General Vaping Discussion
Superb flavor.
Does smok own vaporesso or vice versa?
Or is this just a matter of circumstances?
They say no questions a dumb question so thank you in advance for any insight
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I recently got a Mi-One and out of the box no matter what it constantly floods and spits. I keep changing the coil cleaning the chimney adjusting the coil no matter what I get the same result. Any advice? I decided to stop using it because i keep getting a mouth full of juice.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hi guys,
So 2 weeks ago I bought the Vape Nugget X kit and it was totally fine.
However I charged it overnight with a brand new USB cable I have never used before and was using it fine for the day. However half way through the day whenever it was on there was a quite buzzing noise coming from the USB port. The sound isn’t there when it’s turned off or when im vaping. Hope someone can help me as I am very conscious right now and I’m scared it’s going to blow up which prob isn’t.
from General Vaping Discussion
So 2 weeks ago I bought the Vape Nugget X kit and it was totally fine.
However I charged it overnight with a brand new USB cable I have never used before and was using it fine for the day. However half way through the day whenever it was on there was a quite buzzing noise coming from the USB port. The sound isn’t there when it’s turned off or when im vaping. Hope someone can help me as I am very conscious right now and I’m scared it’s going to blow up which prob isn’t.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I'm far from new to this but have managed to find my equipment and favorite e juice, many of you may not know about Prova
ri's but I've had them for years, 10 years.
Now things have changed up and when I look at new equipment, some say they will pair with salt something or whatever. What????
I have years of stash, the Aspire Nautilus atomizer and years of batts. What is it I need to know?
What do they mean about salts? What do they mean about ohms?
Help a bro out here.
from General Vaping Discussion
ri's but I've had them for years, 10 years.
Now things have changed up and when I look at new equipment, some say they will pair with salt something or whatever. What????
I have years of stash, the Aspire Nautilus atomizer and years of batts. What is it I need to know?
What do they mean about salts? What do they mean about ohms?
Help a bro out here.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hey fellow vapeheads! I took a calculated risk and purchased some Smok T8's on eBay. I entered the scratch-off code on Smok's website and it passed but it displays TFV8 - The Cloud Beast on the results page. Is that normal? (the T8's are for the baby beast/big baby beast) I know the cloud/baby/big baby are essentially the same family but I want to be sure this is legit. Cheers.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
evening all,
Got the new regulated pulse 80w from Vandy Vape.
In bypass mode is it completely safe? Understand it makes it work like a mech mod just wondering can things still go wrong If you don’t understand your ohms law or the fact it’s regulated stop all that?
Currently running .21 dual coils on the pulse 24 rda
from General Vaping Discussion
Got the new regulated pulse 80w from Vandy Vape.
In bypass mode is it completely safe? Understand it makes it work like a mech mod just wondering can things still go wrong If you don’t understand your ohms law or the fact it’s regulated stop all that?
Currently running .21 dual coils on the pulse 24 rda
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
i have been using a Eleaf ijust2 nexgen vape pen (my first vape) the last few month and have not smoked in 3 months! I’m a newbie so I don’t yet understand the lingo and terminology.
Yesterday I took a few drags, turned off the device and put it in my bag, only to realize 20 minutes later that this thing was insanely hot. I burned my fingers! I have no idea what happened. I took it out of my bag and let it cool naturally and it seems fine now, but I’m paranoid.
I am terrified to use the...
Vaping Newbie: vape pen got really hot
from General Vaping Discussion
Yesterday I took a few drags, turned off the device and put it in my bag, only to realize 20 minutes later that this thing was insanely hot. I burned my fingers! I have no idea what happened. I took it out of my bag and let it cool naturally and it seems fine now, but I’m paranoid.
I am terrified to use the...
Vaping Newbie: vape pen got really hot
from General Vaping Discussion
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Just curious about batteries in mods. I am thinking of buying the sense arrow or eleaf lexicon 235W or the vapresso polar mod 210 W, but I don't understand if two LG HG2 18650 3000mAh Batteries are the right batteries for these mods . I also don't understand, how will I know when to recharge my batteries, I shouldn't wait until they are completely drained from what I've read and noticed with my internal mods, they do not allow to vape at around 10-20 percent and say to recharge.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
As one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers in China, Yehua Machinery has been specialized in offering good quality and cheap pp pe pa pvc plastic single wall corrugated pipe machine for over 20 years. Should you are interested in it, please be free to contact our factory.China plastic tube corrugator factory
website:Plastic Corrugated Pipe Prodction Line Suppliers and...
China plastic tube corrugator factory
from General Vaping Discussion
website:Plastic Corrugated Pipe Prodction Line Suppliers and...
China plastic tube corrugator factory
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
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from General Vaping Discussion
网站: /真空存储袋套/
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
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LCD display touch screen
from General Vaping Discussion
●我们所有的iPhone 6s Plus更换部件都经过工厂测试和全新。
●全新iPhone 6s Plus LCD和触摸屏组件(超高级)
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●样品订单将收费,通常通过DHL发货或UPS / Fedex,运费
LCD display touch screen
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
我们的团队由四家独立公司Jpai Craft Furniture Co.,Ltd。海宁圣何塞家具有限公司海宁威龙家居有限公司海宁圣何塞进出口有限公司
Jpai Craft Furniture Co组成。 。,Ltd由Andy Sure先生于2007年创立。他曾担任团队负责人,主要职能是营销开发,生产开发,客户服务。15名专业员工从事材料采购,生产研发,建筑样品,营销开发,销售,客户服务等工作。
Living Room Furniturer factory
from General Vaping Discussion
Jpai Craft Furniture Co组成。 。,Ltd由Andy Sure先生于2007年创立。他曾担任团队负责人,主要职能是营销开发,生产开发,客户服务。15名专业员工从事材料采购,生产研发,建筑样品,营销开发,销售,客户服务等工作。
Living Room Furniturer factory
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
We 100% sure having business with GY would defiantly save your time and money. Please feel free to contact Goodya to help you get your brand noticed.coca cola product services suppliers
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from General Vaping Discussion
website:Promotional Gifts, crafts, licenses items manufacturer - Wholesale Quotation - Star GIFTS
website2:Regalos promocionales, mercancías, artículos de la marca de fábrica Proveedores - cotización al por mayor - GOODYA
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Stirring blades
This company professionally produces all kinds of stirring blades, valves, pumps, marine hardware, auto parts, pipeline parts and other metal stainless steel precision casting products; the company is actively seeking global cooperation relying on unique advanced processes and scientific management mode.
Description: Design according to customer requirements.
Should you're interested in the performance table for professional centrifugal casting stainless steel pipe made in...
Customized Centrifugal Cast Pipe
from General Vaping Discussion
This company professionally produces all kinds of stirring blades, valves, pumps, marine hardware, auto parts, pipeline parts and other metal stainless steel precision casting products; the company is actively seeking global cooperation relying on unique advanced processes and scientific management mode.
Description: Design according to customer requirements.
Should you're interested in the performance table for professional centrifugal casting stainless steel pipe made in...
Customized Centrifugal Cast Pipe
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
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from General Vaping Discussion
T / T,Paypal,Western Union,Escrow
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from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
我们享受沃尔玛,宜家,可口可乐,Hello Kitty,Target,迪士尼等的良好声誉。
from General Vaping Discussion
我们享受沃尔玛,宜家,可口可乐,Hello Kitty,Target,迪士尼等的良好声誉。
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I am going too buy a drop RDA for my smok xpriv 225 mod, but idk what build to use in it!
Can u guys suggest me one please? I am thinking in a Kanthal A1 build or SS! But i can choose anyone wire, but prefer Kanthal A1 or SS!
I wanna a build who gets a lot of vapor production and some flavor! But i still prefer vapor production than flavor, but i like the both combined!
I used Smok t10 coils, who a have a resistance of 0.12 ohms (80-110W), and i kinda like the battery duration, but probably...
Drop RDA, Build and battery draining
from General Vaping Discussion
Can u guys suggest me one please? I am thinking in a Kanthal A1 build or SS! But i can choose anyone wire, but prefer Kanthal A1 or SS!
I wanna a build who gets a lot of vapor production and some flavor! But i still prefer vapor production than flavor, but i like the both combined!
I used Smok t10 coils, who a have a resistance of 0.12 ohms (80-110W), and i kinda like the battery duration, but probably...
Drop RDA, Build and battery draining
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
So had this discussion earlier with a friend in relation to which he would chose.
Hands down he chose the Drag arguing that its the better mod all round...
Im all for the Minikin, personal preference and quality and ergonomically better
Whose with me?
from General Vaping Discussion
Hands down he chose the Drag arguing that its the better mod all round...
Im all for the Minikin, personal preference and quality and ergonomically better
Whose with me?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Glad I found this forum, for a while I thought that everybody moved on to facebook groups and discord channels. At least that's what happened in my country... anyways I hope you'll find this useful or at least informative.
80W Eleaf iPower TC Battery MOD - 5000mAh
After a long time using low quality mods and ego batteries, I decided to get myself a mod that’s gonna last me through the day. After some research and recommendations from my friends I decided to buy the Eleaf IPower 80W...
Two reviews on my 2 main mods
from General Vaping Discussion
80W Eleaf iPower TC Battery MOD - 5000mAh
After a long time using low quality mods and ego batteries, I decided to get myself a mod that’s gonna last me through the day. After some research and recommendations from my friends I decided to buy the Eleaf IPower 80W...
Two reviews on my 2 main mods
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
please check out my reviews. Currently I have one on the VA Spade DNA and the Recurve RDA.
Titan Vapes
from General Vaping Discussion
Titan Vapes
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Glad I found this forum, for a while I thought that everybody moved on to facebook groups and discord channels. At least that's what happened in my country... anyways I hope you'll find this useful or at least informative.
80W Eleaf iPower TC Battery MOD - 5000mAh
After a long time using low quality mods and ego batteries, I decided to get myself a mod that’s gonna last me through the day. After some research and recommendations from my friends I decided to buy the Eleaf IPower 80W...
Check Out My Reviews
from General Vaping Discussion
80W Eleaf iPower TC Battery MOD - 5000mAh
After a long time using low quality mods and ego batteries, I decided to get myself a mod that’s gonna last me through the day. After some research and recommendations from my friends I decided to buy the Eleaf IPower 80W...
Check Out My Reviews
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
So I have a dumb question.. just cause i’m a sorry some person .. so I saw an article a while ago stating vaping is better than smoking .. but , it said depending on how many times you hit it daily , measures the amount of chemical exposure . So if hit your mod 500-600 times a day how much worse is it than 200? Just curious cause I hit mine 300-400 times a day
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Not here very often but I thought after so long it would be nice to share the good times and good tales.
Vaping is responsible for my house, car and me smelling nice. I think it has helped increase oxygen to my blood which helped me with a massive recovery.
I saved money (which I then spent on a variety of shiny things... cough cough)
So share a positive story or two. It would be nice to read after so much negativity everywhere but here and the vape shop.
And cheers to the good times...
The vaping lifestyle is great!
from General Vaping Discussion
Vaping is responsible for my house, car and me smelling nice. I think it has helped increase oxygen to my blood which helped me with a massive recovery.
I saved money (which I then spent on a variety of shiny things... cough cough)
So share a positive story or two. It would be nice to read after so much negativity everywhere but here and the vape shop.
And cheers to the good times...
The vaping lifestyle is great!
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I was at the smoke shop today and I saw a juuls For the First Time of My Life. The salesman told me it takes nicotine salts and it comes in flavors. I know nothing about this device and was looking for some more input on batteries. The cartridges. The flavors available. I got a lot of questions but very few answers on the jewels can somebody fill me in on what exactly this device is. Thank you in advance I would like to buy one but I don't know anything about them.
I currently use a box mod...
from General Vaping Discussion
I currently use a box mod...
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
so I can count on one hand the number of times I have been sick on one hand the past 13 years I have been vaping. Which is great, because I used to be sick to the point I got bronchitis a few times a year.
Right now, I'm quite run down. I have a teething baby, and the past few weeks I have been running a few doors down to hand feed my neighbours sick bird every few hours. It's super hot here, so going between air conditioning and heat, getting wet in the rain a few times and just not...
Vaping saves my day again!
from General Vaping Discussion
Right now, I'm quite run down. I have a teething baby, and the past few weeks I have been running a few doors down to hand feed my neighbours sick bird every few hours. It's super hot here, so going between air conditioning and heat, getting wet in the rain a few times and just not...
Vaping saves my day again!
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Ok so how many times do you guys pick up your vape and head off into the house to do something.... then return to sit and watch your fave soap opera, just to find you’ve mislaid your mod somewhere? I seem to do this regularly, so my solution was have 3 mods on the go at once.... mostly diff flavours in each. But then it adds to the problem if I mislay them too....
Just generally anyone have any tips to help me not to lose them.... I usually find them sometime, but have been as long as 3...
Losing my mod....
from General Vaping Discussion
Just generally anyone have any tips to help me not to lose them.... I usually find them sometime, but have been as long as 3...
Losing my mod....
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Monday, 23 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Well, I've been vaping for a while, and I thought I'd share a few things that you should NOT do.
1) When you DIY your juice, and want to give some menthol crystals to a friend to spice up his own juice, do not do this in front of your manager in a clear small ziplock bag saying "here's some menth crystals for you to add to your vape".... a drug test will ensue.
2) Do not keep your vape in the top pocket of your white shirt... some juice WILL leak out, and bleach won't always get out the...
Ecigarette advice on what NOT to do.
from General Vaping Discussion
1) When you DIY your juice, and want to give some menthol crystals to a friend to spice up his own juice, do not do this in front of your manager in a clear small ziplock bag saying "here's some menth crystals for you to add to your vape".... a drug test will ensue.
2) Do not keep your vape in the top pocket of your white shirt... some juice WILL leak out, and bleach won't always get out the...
Ecigarette advice on what NOT to do.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
please check out my reviews. Currently I have one on the VA Spade DNA and the Recurve RDA.
Titan Vapes
from General Vaping Discussion
Titan Vapes
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Glad I found this forum, for a while I thought that everybody moved on to facebook groups and discord channels. At least that's what happened in my country... anyways I hope you'll find this useful or at least informative.
80W Eleaf iPower TC Battery MOD - 5000mAh
After a long time using low quality mods and ego batteries, I decided to get myself a mod that’s gonna last me through the day. After some research and recommendations from my friends I decided to buy the Eleaf IPower 80W...
Two reviews on my 2 main mods
from General Vaping Discussion
80W Eleaf iPower TC Battery MOD - 5000mAh
After a long time using low quality mods and ego batteries, I decided to get myself a mod that’s gonna last me through the day. After some research and recommendations from my friends I decided to buy the Eleaf IPower 80W...
Two reviews on my 2 main mods
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Went in for a hug on the ol girlfriend and she made it awkward by raising her tiny adorable hands in the air in order to hug me from above (?) This knocked my Mi-Pod out of my hand and it fell from about waist height onto carpet. I had loved this thing up until now because all it does is autofire. I didn't realize it had the durability of a fresh chicken egg and couldn't survive a padded 3ft drop. Any ways. Any recommendations for other, similar but better devices?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hello, since the original thread is closed, I have to create a new one. At this time, there are several versions of this vaping device and I just can't sort it out. There is not enough information on the official website.
I'm interested only in sets with a PCC. I've found out there are at least two versions: Kamry Micro 3.0A (PCC has round corners) and 3.0B (PCC is more cornered). Are the two types compatible? Will e.g. an A PCC charge B ecigs and vice versa? What are the differences? What...
Kamry Micro
from General Vaping Discussion
I'm interested only in sets with a PCC. I've found out there are at least two versions: Kamry Micro 3.0A (PCC has round corners) and 3.0B (PCC is more cornered). Are the two types compatible? Will e.g. an A PCC charge B ecigs and vice versa? What are the differences? What...
Kamry Micro
from General Vaping Discussion
Sunday, 22 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Hey all,
I just started vaping a couple months ago and I'm looking for some help with a problem I've been having. My brother in law gave me an Aspire Pegasus that he no longer wanted. I like it for its wide range of options and adjustable wattage/resistance. I bought an Aspire k3 bottom coil tank to go on it with 1.8 ohm coils. I've been using 18650 batteries and noticed that every time I pull one off the charger and insert it, the liquid is being burnt and tastes awful. It lasts for a few...
Vape is burning after replacing battery
from General Vaping Discussion
I just started vaping a couple months ago and I'm looking for some help with a problem I've been having. My brother in law gave me an Aspire Pegasus that he no longer wanted. I like it for its wide range of options and adjustable wattage/resistance. I bought an Aspire k3 bottom coil tank to go on it with 1.8 ohm coils. I've been using 18650 batteries and noticed that every time I pull one off the charger and insert it, the liquid is being burnt and tastes awful. It lasts for a few...
Vape is burning after replacing battery
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hello all.
I'm trying to find out how loose the contact pin at the base of an atomizer should be. Could this be causing runaway issues and is there any fix to this problem?
I've been vaping a few years now and it seems like the oddest arise when it comes to my problems with vape paraphernalia.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
from General Vaping Discussion
I'm trying to find out how loose the contact pin at the base of an atomizer should be. Could this be causing runaway issues and is there any fix to this problem?
I've been vaping a few years now and it seems like the oddest arise when it comes to my problems with vape paraphernalia.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hey all, ive been vaping for awhile now after quitting smoking and now ive upgraded and need some help! for the past 2 years ive been vaping from this little re-fillable vape pen, just slightly bigger than a actual pen, i bought it off a chinese site and it actually lasted this long with regular maintenance and taking care of it however i have just received my first box mod from a friend of mine completely free!! lol.. only because he couldnt get the hang of it. He gave me his "knock-off"...
Got my first box mod! now what...
from General Vaping Discussion
Got my first box mod! now what...
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I thought this might be helpful to post here, since people sometimes ask about vaping in other countries, especially if they're planning a trip. The following not only names the 5 newly added countries, but it also has a list of all the countries where vaping is currently banned. Some of the penalties are also discussed.
Holiday: Vaping Banned in Another 5 Countries | HealthCabin
from General Vaping Discussion
Holiday: Vaping Banned in Another 5 Countries | HealthCabin
from General Vaping Discussion
Saturday, 21 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Just got mine when i was home on leave and i love it, threw in a nice 23awg nichrome series build in it and it vapes great. Wanted to hear others thought's on it?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Ive been vaping unflavoured for the last 5-6months and occasionally trying flavours every once in a while.
I stopped vaping flavours because I was going through a process of elimination to find out what was giving me rashes on my face and blowing out my sinus's.
It was mainly PG but even some flavours in VG only still gave me a slight redness on the forehead and around the mouth and nose.
Recently found some flavoured VG only vape juice from a local company that I can actually vape with...
Unflavoured juice.
from General Vaping Discussion
I stopped vaping flavours because I was going through a process of elimination to find out what was giving me rashes on my face and blowing out my sinus's.
It was mainly PG but even some flavours in VG only still gave me a slight redness on the forehead and around the mouth and nose.
Recently found some flavoured VG only vape juice from a local company that I can actually vape with...
Unflavoured juice.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
so I bought a new vape at Kdays yesterday and come home to charge it and it didn’t even charge I need help how to fix it
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Friday, 20 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
I am a MTL vaper and use drop in coils. Joyetech has put out a new tank that uses ceramic pads that they claim can last for a million puffs. Has anyone tried the Joyetech Riftcore and if one of the ceramic pads were removed, would it make it suitable for MTL vaping?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I recently bought the Revenger kit by Vaporesso from BuyBest and I would like to share my opinion with you.
First of all, the price I saw on this site is lower than everything I found on the internet. Everything is fine.
The kit works fine, I m using it for about 2 months, and didn`t have any trouble with it. Great vapour production,long lasting battery and coils.
It suits perfectly for me.
from General Vaping Discussion
I recently bought the Revenger kit by Vaporesso from BuyBest and I would like to share my opinion with you.
First of all, the price I saw on this site is lower than everything I found on the internet. Everything is fine.
The kit works fine, I m using it for about 2 months, and didn`t have any trouble with it. Great vapour production,long lasting battery and coils.
It suits perfectly for me.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hey guys,
I vaped for over a year very heavily and did not have a problem with phlegm outside of the normal having to clear my throat of it every once in a while, but then I quit for a few months. Now I’m back and I can’t stop producing phlegm. I’m not sure if this is a vg/pg thing or if the ejuice I got is cheap (transistor with 45/65 vg/pg) or if I’m just having a weird reaction to an ingredient in the juice, but something is off. Also I vape using the ohm boy with a cloud beast king tank....
Seasoned Vaper, quit then started again tons of phlegm
from General Vaping Discussion
I vaped for over a year very heavily and did not have a problem with phlegm outside of the normal having to clear my throat of it every once in a while, but then I quit for a few months. Now I’m back and I can’t stop producing phlegm. I’m not sure if this is a vg/pg thing or if the ejuice I got is cheap (transistor with 45/65 vg/pg) or if I’m just having a weird reaction to an ingredient in the juice, but something is off. Also I vape using the ohm boy with a cloud beast king tank....
Seasoned Vaper, quit then started again tons of phlegm
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
You can download all 499 pages of the regulations here:
We liveblogged the reaction: Deeming Live blog |
Clive Bates on Stanton Glantz and the junk science which got us here: Professor Glantz brings his anti-vaping crusade to Europe – I review his presentation
Here's the reaction from...
Deeming Regulations have been released!!!!
from General Vaping Discussion
We liveblogged the reaction: Deeming Live blog |
Clive Bates on Stanton Glantz and the junk science which got us here: Professor Glantz brings his anti-vaping crusade to Europe – I review his presentation
Here's the reaction from...
Deeming Regulations have been released!!!!
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
We are now having a giveaway.
Browse our website, write down the SKU number of your favourite item.
SKU number can be found at the bottom of the bottom of the page, when you click into a product page from the category for more details.
Fasttech's giveaway
from General Vaping Discussion
Browse our website, write down the SKU number of your favourite item.
SKU number can be found at the bottom of the bottom of the page, when you click into a product page from the category for more details.
Fasttech's giveaway
from General Vaping Discussion
Thursday, 19 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Hey everybody,
Please make sure to go and comment the decision of FDA on banning flavors in vaping products. Read more in Vaping360 or follow the link below:
I understand all of us have no time but this time it's important, please spend a few minutes for your own vaping future.
Peace and keep vaping!
from General Vaping Discussion
Please make sure to go and comment the decision of FDA on banning flavors in vaping products. Read more in Vaping360 or follow the link below:
I understand all of us have no time but this time it's important, please spend a few minutes for your own vaping future.
Peace and keep vaping!

from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Minus broken glass or the occasional stripped grub screw, how common is it to break an rda or rta?
I have not broken any myself (minus a couple of glass sections, and one stripped grub screw), and have only seen a couple of examples of posts breaking or other major damages that disable a rebuildable. I was wanting to ask here if anyone has any stories of their rebuildable breaking and what it took to do so.
from General Vaping Discussion
I have not broken any myself (minus a couple of glass sections, and one stripped grub screw), and have only seen a couple of examples of posts breaking or other major damages that disable a rebuildable. I was wanting to ask here if anyone has any stories of their rebuildable breaking and what it took to do so.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Just want to let everyone I’m starting a YouTube channel. I aim to be unbiased and do high quality reviews from the view of the consumer. Below is a link to an introduction of my channel! Please let me know what you’d like to see from me.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Seems like a good idea, but it also seems like it didnt take off so well. What happened? I went to the one about kentucky, the last post was in 2015, besides mine asking about new posts.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Well, I'm still liking my Smoant Cylon, but this morning the leather wrapping started to peel off.
After I peeled off the adhesive underneath it, I think it still looks pretty good.
What do you guys think
from General Vaping Discussion
After I peeled off the adhesive underneath it, I think it still looks pretty good.
What do you guys think
from General Vaping Discussion
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
So as some people here know, I totaled my car on a road trip and lost one of the two mods I was traveling with. Thus a perfect opportunity to pick up something new to go with the new to me car I just had to buy.
I've been looking as something a bit more stealth for work but I'm sucker for style points so this caught my eye..
Stylish, convenient to carry in my pocket with the hook and size and decent capacity for...
Suorin Vagon Starter Kit 430mAh
from General Vaping Discussion
I've been looking as something a bit more stealth for work but I'm sucker for style points so this caught my eye..
Stylish, convenient to carry in my pocket with the hook and size and decent capacity for...
Suorin Vagon Starter Kit 430mAh
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hey, I know the policy is to be 18+ but I seriously need help, I'm 15, I vape everyday. I usually use salted nicotine juices in my suorin air pod system. I'm very addicted to vaping, I can't get a buzz anymore. In order to get a buzz I have to vape too much and it makes me sick just to get my "fix". I need help from you guys to tell me what to do. I have a smok alien 85w baby mod which I can't get buzzed off of (6mg at 40-80watts) I need help, please don't ban me, what do I do to cut down....
Help me.
from General Vaping Discussion
Help me.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hi everyone,
I just received a Polar mod with outdated firmware so I'd like to upgrade it. I'm on Mac, so I downloaded the firmware upgrade and the Mac app, tried every possible connection, the app doesn't seem to recognize the device...
I tried :
- connecting the device (with batteries) then starting the app
- starting the app then connecting the device (with batteries)
- connecting the device (WITHOUT batteries) then starting the app
- connecting the device (WITHOUT batteries and while...
Vaporesso Polar firmware upgrade, how to?!
from General Vaping Discussion
I just received a Polar mod with outdated firmware so I'd like to upgrade it. I'm on Mac, so I downloaded the firmware upgrade and the Mac app, tried every possible connection, the app doesn't seem to recognize the device...
I tried :
- connecting the device (with batteries) then starting the app
- starting the app then connecting the device (with batteries)
- connecting the device (WITHOUT batteries) then starting the app
- connecting the device (WITHOUT batteries and while...
Vaporesso Polar firmware upgrade, how to?!
from General Vaping Discussion
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Just noticed that my quad core SS fused claptons jump in resistance as I am firing, usually by .3 to .4 max. A little freaked out as I never paid attention to it before..
Could there be something wrong with my coil or is this normal?
from General Vaping Discussion
Could there be something wrong with my coil or is this normal?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I wanted to take a minute to thank y’all for your patience and good advice. You guys have saved me many dollars and helped me avoid bad purchases. I am learning much from you all and I appreciate your efforts. I know you aren’t selling anything and nothing is in it for you other than helping out a fellow vapor. So thank you
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Hi guys it's me again 
I am not even sure if I asked this question right. What was your first starter kit or what was your first equipment? What was your first vape device? You get what I mean lol
Mine was some sort of smartbox from innokin I got from my friend. What about you guys?
from General Vaping Discussion

I am not even sure if I asked this question right. What was your first starter kit or what was your first equipment? What was your first vape device? You get what I mean lol
Mine was some sort of smartbox from innokin I got from my friend. What about you guys?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Just wanted to share the news that Geekvape released new version of firmware for aegis legend 200w.
What’s Included:
Firmware Download
from General Vaping Discussion
What’s Included:
- Battery life substantially improved;
- Temperature control significantly optimized
Firmware Download
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
so I broke the bubble glass on my solomon2 and there seemed to be one(1) place I could get more: a resplendently Chinese place I had never tried called
I ordered a box of “fat-boy” glass for the solomon2.(around ten bucks) on the fifteenth, and got a paypal receipt but no receipt from the company. I tracked down the website and managed to log in. They have the order listed and it is marked as “shipped” but there is no tracking number or anything.
I feel a bit adrift here....
Anyone have experience with vapingbest (dot) com?
from General Vaping Discussion
I ordered a box of “fat-boy” glass for the solomon2.(around ten bucks) on the fifteenth, and got a paypal receipt but no receipt from the company. I tracked down the website and managed to log in. They have the order listed and it is marked as “shipped” but there is no tracking number or anything.
I feel a bit adrift here....
Anyone have experience with vapingbest (dot) com?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I ordered from Direct Vapor. Have ordered from them in the past. My order was placed last week. Received an email today telling me to send in a copy of my license.
I am mildly irritated. I read about someone else on the forum worrying about having an issue but that person was an over 21 young adult. I am more than twice that.
I responded to their email letting them know that I have ordered from them before and that I do have the time for this crap and to cancel my order and refund me and...
wth - I failed age verification
from General Vaping Discussion
I am mildly irritated. I read about someone else on the forum worrying about having an issue but that person was an over 21 young adult. I am more than twice that.
I responded to their email letting them know that I have ordered from them before and that I do have the time for this crap and to cancel my order and refund me and...
wth - I failed age verification
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
so I broke the bubble glass on my solomon2 and there seemed to be one(1) place I could get more: a resplendently Chinese place I had never tried called
I ordered a box of “fat-boy” glass for the solomon2.(around ten bucks) on the fifteenth, and got a paypal receipt but no receipt from the company. I tracked down the website and managed to log in. They have the order listed and it is marked as “shipped” but there is no tracking number or anything.
I feel a bit adrift here....
Anyone have experience with
from General Vaping Discussion
I ordered a box of “fat-boy” glass for the solomon2.(around ten bucks) on the fifteenth, and got a paypal receipt but no receipt from the company. I tracked down the website and managed to log in. They have the order listed and it is marked as “shipped” but there is no tracking number or anything.
I feel a bit adrift here....
Anyone have experience with
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Every time I say ok that is all I need for stocking up, I find that there is just one more thing I need! LOL I am about all set but I am sure I will find something else. All set on mods, rebuilds, Nic, may get a few more flavors and VG/PG to have on hand 
from General Vaping Discussion

from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I turned 60 a few months ago and my doctor has talked me into getting a low level CT scan for lung cancer screening, what with my history of smoking pretty much most of my life. Yesterday, I had the screening before the screening, where I sat down with the nurse practitioner at the oncologists office and answered the 6 questions that determine if I qualify for the lung screening. I did qualify.
During the conversation with the NP I told her I hadn't smoked in 3 years but I had been...
Lung Cancer Screening
from General Vaping Discussion
During the conversation with the NP I told her I hadn't smoked in 3 years but I had been...
Lung Cancer Screening
from General Vaping Discussion
Monday, 16 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
So I started a giveaway in relation to a most recent little project I did...
Making solid wood tank holders, I know this has been done and has been done with mostly MDF based timbers but I decided to make them from more exotic woods. Like this one Ebony.
It's a simple construction and how I noticed that the oils if any from the ejuice leaked it didn't really affect the overall appearance, just gives it a finish
I custom engraved it to suit the giveaway
Had a little play around and this...
Whats your thoughts?
from General Vaping Discussion
Making solid wood tank holders, I know this has been done and has been done with mostly MDF based timbers but I decided to make them from more exotic woods. Like this one Ebony.
It's a simple construction and how I noticed that the oils if any from the ejuice leaked it didn't really affect the overall appearance, just gives it a finish
I custom engraved it to suit the giveaway
Had a little play around and this...
Whats your thoughts?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Somebody must have jinxed me because my mod broke. When you push the button to vape it's sticks in and won't shut off . so it is now officially retired. I got approximately 15 or 14 months out of it. Nothing lasts forever. So I guess this is just a factor of buying a new mod every year? I knew it was going to die I just didn't know when. This is just a lesson to always have a spare tire.
I'm glad I had back up. I have 2 backups
Now on vaping a wiesmec single battery.
from General Vaping Discussion

I'm glad I had back up. I have 2 backups
Now on vaping a wiesmec single battery.
from General Vaping Discussion
Sunday, 15 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
In need a of a new charger and batteries, the shops by me are all too much. 22 bucks for a set of batteries and 50 for a charger . Does anyone know any good online retailers for mods, batteries and chargers that are authentic ?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I didn't know where to post this so if it is in the wrong place please move to the appropriate forum.
As you all know age verification is being required on a lot of site already. There will be more to come. [Removed at OPs request] I went to and went through checkout and got a page that said my order was accepted. Then another page popped up saying I needed to send them a photo ID. They took my money but held my order until I sent a pic photo ID/driver's license. There's no...
List of vendors Age Verification requirements.
from General Vaping Discussion
As you all know age verification is being required on a lot of site already. There will be more to come. [Removed at OPs request] I went to and went through checkout and got a page that said my order was accepted. Then another page popped up saying I needed to send them a photo ID. They took my money but held my order until I sent a pic photo ID/driver's license. There's no...
List of vendors Age Verification requirements.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I'm back on the hunt for a new mod. I only use regulated high power vv and vw devices, but I have yet to find one that lasts me more than a couple months. Currently in my graveyard... 1 IPV3 li (fire button doesn't work), 1 IPV5 (same fire button issue), 2 Joytech Cuboids ( both have resistance and short circuit issues), a Noisy Cricket 2-25 (no idea, light flashes in either mode with every atty I try. I suspect a wet circuit board again), and 1 Wismec RX2/3 (same short issue). So when I say...
Looking for a reliable Mod
from General Vaping Discussion
Looking for a reliable Mod
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
So I'm looking for a new rta I have the geekvape 22m I forget the name came out in 2015 and I'm down to two rta that look different and interesting one is the azeroth triple rta and the other is the vandyvape triple rta v2 . which one should I buy ??
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
Saturday, 14 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Thankyou for your reply but hey we all no who owns the the monopoly on the tobacco industry is them alone. What i was after was alittle bit more in depth in how vaper might effect our body as its been around for a while. Like we know prolonged smoking can set off cancer. Was just a question yo see if anyone has delved into it if it is possible
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Friday, 13 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
Anybody know? Should i be concerned? They're supposedly new and I've never seen these before, and it's only happening to one of the batteries.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I have a Sigelei kaos spectrum and for the first 6 months I used it I had no issues.
But recently it hits incredibly hot and harsh, as if the wattage is way higher than I typically vape at, yet the watt readout is in the 50's/low 60's
I'm a light to moderate vaper and have been vaping for the better part of 3 years. I'm currently using the Smok Big Baby tank.
I've been having to lower the wattage to low 40's to not tear my throat up.
What gives?
Is there a way to hard reset the mod?...
Sigelei Kaos watt / volt runaway
from General Vaping Discussion
But recently it hits incredibly hot and harsh, as if the wattage is way higher than I typically vape at, yet the watt readout is in the 50's/low 60's
I'm a light to moderate vaper and have been vaping for the better part of 3 years. I'm currently using the Smok Big Baby tank.
I've been having to lower the wattage to low 40's to not tear my throat up.
What gives?
Is there a way to hard reset the mod?...
Sigelei Kaos watt / volt runaway
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
so my backup charger is an Efest Luc 4 which I bought to charge batteries larger than the 18650s which my other charger won’t accommodate.
Any ways the issue I’m having is that is very difficult to get my new 21700 Samsung 48G batteries into the slots without them getting chewed up. Anyone else this problem. And finally a suggestion for a charger that will accommodate large batteries without destroying the wraps
from General Vaping Discussion
Any ways the issue I’m having is that is very difficult to get my new 21700 Samsung 48G batteries into the slots without them getting chewed up. Anyone else this problem. And finally a suggestion for a charger that will accommodate large batteries without destroying the wraps
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I raised the vape to my mouth. The thought "Hmm, this doesn't feel quite like it usually does." filtered slowly through my brain. Oh, so slowly. Before it had the chance to reach a neuron that took interest, I pressed fire.
YEEEOOOW! I hurled my mod to my desk. I swore. Then I swore more.
The funny feeling? Oh, that would have been the brush of the bare coil I was rewicking against my lip.
from General Vaping Discussion
YEEEOOOW! I hurled my mod to my desk. I swore. Then I swore more.
The funny feeling? Oh, that would have been the brush of the bare coil I was rewicking against my lip.
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Today marks 4 weeks without touching a smoke as much as i haven't craved. I do think this forum keepa me on track.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I’ve been vaping for about three years now. First here’s a background story. I was in Iraq in 2003-2004, and we went through some rough days. In my company at least 25 people began smoking. They did it to calm their nerves. We had a guy who had quit for 11 years and was one of the staunchest anti-tobacco people I’d ever seen. After a rocket attack he walked over and bummed a Marlboro off a guy. Next morning I saw him buying a carton off the Iraqi people who came and sold us stuff. Say...
How many have snuck in the occasional cigarette while vaping?
from General Vaping Discussion
How many have snuck in the occasional cigarette while vaping?
from General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I know that I have been absent for a while, but there have been a few new developments. I am starting a new thread, but I'm not sure thast I am actually creating a new thread. Please bear with me and I will update the old thread.
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
Thursday, 12 July 2018
General Vaping Discussion
My knowledge of vaping is quite limited. I've been vaping a while though. I can make ejuice although my recipes aren't the best. I haven't done any "recipes" I don't even steep usually. I just use flavours that don't require it such as menthol and fruit. Has anyone got any useful links or personal stories of starting their own ejuice business? What would I need to do to prepare myself to do it? And how can I go about learning more?
from General Vaping Discussion
from General Vaping Discussion
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General Vaping Discussion
This is just an opinion piece based on the info given from the website below. Why I don't like Nic Salts . Look at the advantages and ...
You dripped a carto You dripped a Cisco You've used a Boge You've squonked with a carto on your Reo Grand You've gone to the...
Hello, can someone send me a good ss316l profile for DNA 75c? I remember djlbs vapes has it on website, but I can't find it.. from G...