I joined ECF in June 2009 and started vaping around the last day of January of 2009.
I haven't had a cigarette in 10 years. I was a 1/2 pack a day smoker for more than 30 years.
I still remember my first rig which was a cig look alike and there I was struggling to charge the next one before the 1st ran out.
I must have spent 1000s on junk through the years searching for the ultimate vape. At the beginning you could spend $100.00 - $200.00 on a Mod where Quality control consisted in...
10 Year Anniversary of Vaping → Recollections
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CXzyk4
"more smokers are turning to electronic cigarettes to help them quit smoking" eCigarette-shaped device containing a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled, used to simulate the experience of smoking tobacco. This blog is to review the diffrent brands and styles so you can make the right choice.
Thursday, 31 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
I just can't figure out why people Vape at 80 Watts +.
Is it that my Nic 5mg is too high causing harshness. I'm allergic to PG so I vape only VG with a high amount of Alcohol. Could the high Alcohol content around 20% cause harshness too.
I just started squonking again. On my Ijoy Capo I have a Vandy Maze and a Ijoy SRDA.
The Maze which is .20ohm I vape at 50w and the .13 Vandy at 40 Watts.
Just curious if it's my liquid that makes high temp vaping unpleasant.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2G2jUaZ
Is it that my Nic 5mg is too high causing harshness. I'm allergic to PG so I vape only VG with a high amount of Alcohol. Could the high Alcohol content around 20% cause harshness too.
I just started squonking again. On my Ijoy Capo I have a Vandy Maze and a Ijoy SRDA.
The Maze which is .20ohm I vape at 50w and the .13 Vandy at 40 Watts.
Just curious if it's my liquid that makes high temp vaping unpleasant.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2G2jUaZ
General Vaping Discussion
Made an attempt to find an answer for this but, struck out. Therefore, please explain how most people can be happy with a TC of mid 400F for vaping when the boiling point of VG is 555F? What physics am I missing about the TC process?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sWyRTF
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sWyRTF
General Vaping Discussion
Hello ECF, as the title says I'm looking to make clapton coils but I only have 24G Kanthal and 34G Nichrome. I usually make either Full Kanthal or Full Nichrome.
Will these coils have a significant difference from those "pure" in terms of ramp up time and flavor?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2HHHcEJ
Will these coils have a significant difference from those "pure" in terms of ramp up time and flavor?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2HHHcEJ
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
So I've been trying out this berserker mini for a couple days now. Threw a 2.5id mtl clapton coil on it, changed the drip tip (little longer) and I'm really enjoying this thing, to me it's the closest thing to mimic a stinky I've tried so far, have it set a 1mm air hole.
The first day I did have a slight leak just around bottom of tank, made a slight juice ring on the mod, but since has stopped completely now.
Anyone else have experience with this tank? thoughts?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2GfwDq3
The first day I did have a slight leak just around bottom of tank, made a slight juice ring on the mod, but since has stopped completely now.
Anyone else have experience with this tank? thoughts?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2GfwDq3
General Vaping Discussion
Just saw this on CNN's website today:
E-cigarette study shows vaping help adult smokers quit, but US experts urge caution - CNN
Ironic that the corresponding video that CNN posted to the article actually discusses how Juul targeted young vapers only and does not discuss the study. I remember recently watching a documentary by a popular Canadian producer called the Fifth Estate that...
UK study shows e-cigarettes help adult smokers quit, but US experts urge caution
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2G1GCQK
E-cigarette study shows vaping help adult smokers quit, but US experts urge caution - CNN
Ironic that the corresponding video that CNN posted to the article actually discusses how Juul targeted young vapers only and does not discuss the study. I remember recently watching a documentary by a popular Canadian producer called the Fifth Estate that...
UK study shows e-cigarettes help adult smokers quit, but US experts urge caution
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2G1GCQK
General Vaping Discussion
I value the taste, the longevity of the coil, (how powerful the coil is), and the aesthetic. (basically in that order) I am not one of those people that require massive vapor, however.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DM8w0G
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DM8w0G
General Vaping Discussion
My 40w Eleafe has served me for years but... I require more power... not tons... I mean I am not one of those folks that requires producing tons of vape... but I want to be able to power very decent tanks (I can't even guess what wattage those would require as I have not decided on a tank yet.) Also, while it definitely isn't necessary I would prefer it be.... "reasonably" aesthetic. P.S. If I had to guess I would assume 60W would be the minimum I'd be looking for but the battery also has to...
What battery should I get to replace my pathetic 40w Eleaf?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CZgzpe
What battery should I get to replace my pathetic 40w Eleaf?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CZgzpe
General Vaping Discussion
By far the best mod on the market is the Geekvape Aegis Legand. I own many manufacturers they are all disposable unless you want to baby them
My Legand has been dropped hard on concrete dozens of times dropped in the bath even th toilet just beat to death. The chipset is excellent. You can buy it then purchase one whem you feel like it not when it starts having problems. I just bought another one because my wifes sigelei that we purchased at the same time has screen issues. I purchased...
The best Mod Period
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Qzbc4R
My Legand has been dropped hard on concrete dozens of times dropped in the bath even th toilet just beat to death. The chipset is excellent. You can buy it then purchase one whem you feel like it not when it starts having problems. I just bought another one because my wifes sigelei that we purchased at the same time has screen issues. I purchased...
The best Mod Period
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Qzbc4R
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
This popped up tonight in the New England Journal of Medicine which is one of the leading medical journals in the world and highly respected in pretty much all medical fields. In a nutshell, people stopped smoking twice as much with e cigs than NRT. It's the first real study to address this head on. There are some accompanying editorials that still express concern on flavorings, appeal to minors, and long term use, but it's still a big deal. Already written up in the NY Times even though it...
New Info on Vaping
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DJWFAb
New Info on Vaping
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DJWFAb
General Vaping Discussion
I bought a LostVape Orion two days ago,only to experience a burnt taste today.this may be a stupid question,but could this occurrence have anything to do with my having switched to the highest Wattage setting(Red) too suddenly?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2WuFnyi
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2WuFnyi
General Vaping Discussion
i used to smoke cigarettes,half a pack a day for six month before I got into vaping.I would smoke one every hour during work.Now that I am into vaping,I smoke almost every 15min,even when I am going to sleep I would bring my vape and smoke them to sleep.I calculated that I am on around a pack of cig now in contrast to my vape.I don’t have any problem besides dry mouth and have been consistently drinking water every 15min as I vape.I read that vaping is a lot healthier then smoking...
Should I be careful?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Seij7W
Should I be careful?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Seij7W
General Vaping Discussion
So after DL vaping for 3 years I think I’m finally switching to MTL. Almost every morning I wake up with a film of clear mucus and mildly tight lungs from vaping. I contribute this to the massive vapor production from my sub ohm mods and RDA’s. All I want out of vaping at this point is my nicotine fix and flavorful juices.
It’s a shame though...I have so many devices and RDAs.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2HErkCZ
It’s a shame though...I have so many devices and RDAs.

from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2HErkCZ
General Vaping Discussion
Hi ECF's,
I had a website where smokers quit smoking to sign up and even maybe put a short video with your pic and sign on how long you had quitted smoking but now i lost it.
It used to be something like quitsmoking.com (url), i tried to search with google but couldnt find it either.
There for i would ask for help on the ECF maybe some of you had seen this website.
Be well,
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CWxyIM
I had a website where smokers quit smoking to sign up and even maybe put a short video with your pic and sign on how long you had quitted smoking but now i lost it.
It used to be something like quitsmoking.com (url), i tried to search with google but couldnt find it either.
There for i would ask for help on the ECF maybe some of you had seen this website.
Be well,
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CWxyIM
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
Just got a new SMOK Species kit with the TFV8 baby v2 tank yesterday. I love the setup, but also love my baby beast rba.
I enjoy building my own coils due to the lower costs over buying stock coils, along with my preference for flavor, maintenance, etc.
Doesn’t look like an rba kit is offered yet for this tank.
Does anyone know if there are compatible SMOK rba kits for other tanks that will fit?
I suspect that I’ll need to buy another tank to give me a compressor rba option....
RBA option for TFV8 Baby V2?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sV6KnW
Just got a new SMOK Species kit with the TFV8 baby v2 tank yesterday. I love the setup, but also love my baby beast rba.
I enjoy building my own coils due to the lower costs over buying stock coils, along with my preference for flavor, maintenance, etc.
Doesn’t look like an rba kit is offered yet for this tank.
Does anyone know if there are compatible SMOK rba kits for other tanks that will fit?
I suspect that I’ll need to buy another tank to give me a compressor rba option....
RBA option for TFV8 Baby V2?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sV6KnW
General Vaping Discussion
EDGE By: Digiflavor (Geekvape)
Before I get started I only do Honest Unbiased Introductions. I refuse to let a company sway my introduction and opinion of a product by offering free me product. If anyone has any questions about the EDGE after reading this please feel free to PM me. I will answer them to the best of my ability. So with that in mind lets get started.
I received the EDGE on Wednesday January 23, 2019. Since then I have been Vaping the hell out of it putting it through...
I Would Like To Introduce EDGE by Digiflavor.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Sg7odR
Before I get started I only do Honest Unbiased Introductions. I refuse to let a company sway my introduction and opinion of a product by offering free me product. If anyone has any questions about the EDGE after reading this please feel free to PM me. I will answer them to the best of my ability. So with that in mind lets get started.
I received the EDGE on Wednesday January 23, 2019. Since then I have been Vaping the hell out of it putting it through...
I Would Like To Introduce EDGE by Digiflavor.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Sg7odR
General Vaping Discussion
Hi friends, so I just got my replacement coils in for the Uwell Whirl and I ordered one of each kind they had at element vape. A 1.8 ohm and 0.6 ohm. They were cheap enough and I didn’t know what to get so I just got both. Now they’re here and I haven’t the first clue which ones I should use or what the difference is between them. I know 0.6 is sub ohm (well I think I know that) so for MTL should I use the other ones? Confusion abounds. Can you guys help me and use lots of laymen’s terms so...
1.8 vs 0.6-What’s the difference?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RYj7hS
1.8 vs 0.6-What’s the difference?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RYj7hS
General Vaping Discussion
Posted this in general since it applies to so many things... eg. Kabuki clearomizer, Berserker RTA, Joyetech Ego... those are just a few of the MANY examples.
I recently watched a video review of the Digiflavor Upen and the reviewer broke both the original and the spare glass trying to slide the glass over the o-rings. He got a pretty nasty cut both times.
I know that you can apply some e-liquid to the o-rings so that the glass slides on. But wouldn't it be better just to avoid this...
Glass held on by o-rings: Okay or Accident waiting to happen?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Tm91E6
I recently watched a video review of the Digiflavor Upen and the reviewer broke both the original and the spare glass trying to slide the glass over the o-rings. He got a pretty nasty cut both times.
I know that you can apply some e-liquid to the o-rings so that the glass slides on. But wouldn't it be better just to avoid this...
Glass held on by o-rings: Okay or Accident waiting to happen?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Tm91E6
General Vaping Discussion
Do you fluff out your cotton on everything you build? Or do you not? I used to think it helped. Then I just stopped one day and the vapes were still great. I guess if it wicks correctly, it doesn't really matter in the end.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2GZGlz9
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2GZGlz9
General Vaping Discussion
I'm going on a cruise to the Bahamas in a few months. It's the second time I've been on one but the first was years ago. I was wondering if anyone has had issues with Carnival and/or the Port out of Jacksonville giving you problems with bringing vape gear on board. I'm not a heavy builder so I was planning on bringing 2 box mods, 2 tanks, charger, 4 extra batteries plus juice. It's a 4 day cruise so I can probably get away with leaving the chargers and batteries at home and just using the...
Going on a Cruise out of JAX
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MD8M4Y
Going on a Cruise out of JAX
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MD8M4Y
General Vaping Discussion
Sorry, if this sounds ridiculous or what, but I started hating vaping really badly. I can't believe that one single e-liquid could ruin vaping for me. I'm sure this won't last for long, since I really love vaping and everything it can offer.
BTW, mouth-to-lungers, DON'T ever try cola flavored e-juices. EVER! I've learned that the hard way. Unless you like a mouthful of chemicals digesting your insides, then sure, try it out.
Sorry immediately, if this is off-topic, but I wanted to receive...
Anyone else started hating vaping after trying disgusting e-juice?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2B9C4n4
BTW, mouth-to-lungers, DON'T ever try cola flavored e-juices. EVER! I've learned that the hard way. Unless you like a mouthful of chemicals digesting your insides, then sure, try it out.
Sorry immediately, if this is off-topic, but I wanted to receive...
Anyone else started hating vaping after trying disgusting e-juice?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2B9C4n4
General Vaping Discussion
I ate 5-6 piece of Durain which is very sweet,and after that I vape and it tasted very bad.I am prediabetic,now there is a good reason to stop eating/drinking many sweet stuff...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CQUFEE
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CQUFEE
Monday, 28 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
That little too symbol that says 0.63, I’m assuming is the ohm. I just got this vape. Voopoo drag mini and installed a new coil, I’ve bever seen the number so high so is 0.63 normal?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RokDVs
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RokDVs
General Vaping Discussion
You can download all 499 pages of the regulations here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2016-10685.pdf
We liveblogged the reaction: Deeming Live blog | vaping.com
Clive Bates on Stanton Glantz and the junk science which got us here: Professor Glantz brings his anti-vaping crusade to Europe – I review his presentation
Here's the reaction from...
Deeming Regulations have been released!!!!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2yxZe3s
We liveblogged the reaction: Deeming Live blog | vaping.com
Clive Bates on Stanton Glantz and the junk science which got us here: Professor Glantz brings his anti-vaping crusade to Europe – I review his presentation
Here's the reaction from...
Deeming Regulations have been released!!!!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2yxZe3s
General Vaping Discussion
So when I read stuff online, it seems like everyone has something negative to say about vaping or vapers or both.
When I escape from my screens and dive into the real world, everyone seems to be vaping. Seriously. So many more people than I ever even realized.
So what gives? Are we all idiots, or are we the cool guys?? It doesn’t add up.
How have people treated your vaping, and what did you think of vaping before you started?
Please note: I’m feeling extremely grateful for vaping at...
Curioser and curioser...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2B8xPbv
When I escape from my screens and dive into the real world, everyone seems to be vaping. Seriously. So many more people than I ever even realized.
So what gives? Are we all idiots, or are we the cool guys?? It doesn’t add up.
How have people treated your vaping, and what did you think of vaping before you started?
Please note: I’m feeling extremely grateful for vaping at...
Curioser and curioser...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2B8xPbv
General Vaping Discussion
I'm on day 3 without a cigarette after 20+ years sometimes over 2 packs a day. Only time I went a full 24 hour period without an analog was a stint in the hospital some years back. I've been trying with vaping for about 9 years.
The other day, it dawned on me I hadn't had an analog in over a day and had forgot to go get a pack for my safety net since I was out. Was down to one a day in the evening after dinner.
I have to give myself the credit but this Freakshow V2, I picked up dirt...
I might be able to say smoke free finally!!!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TkgH9M
The other day, it dawned on me I hadn't had an analog in over a day and had forgot to go get a pack for my safety net since I was out. Was down to one a day in the evening after dinner.
I have to give myself the credit but this Freakshow V2, I picked up dirt...
I might be able to say smoke free finally!!!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TkgH9M
Sunday, 27 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
Okay i am having a bad reaction to i think is the coil of my vape and not the pg, i am allergic to nickel and i think to khantal too, i want to use some coils of ss but they have nickel some of then, what do you think? im am from argentina and i dont know what coils with only ss exists or titanium, bless.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CPzEdC
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CPzEdC
General Vaping Discussion
I wanted to say something about flint kit here because this is one of the best starter kits that I tried. So, I tried a lot of pod systems and mtl starter kits and this one is definitely one of the best in my opinion.
- It is small and most of the people that wants to quit cigarettes wants something small, something that they can carry around without problems, so this one is pocket friendly.
- Flint kit performs very good, flavor is really good and you have few airflow...
Geekvape flint kit
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2SdVmBu

I wanted to say something about flint kit here because this is one of the best starter kits that I tried. So, I tried a lot of pod systems and mtl starter kits and this one is definitely one of the best in my opinion.
- It is small and most of the people that wants to quit cigarettes wants something small, something that they can carry around without problems, so this one is pocket friendly.
- Flint kit performs very good, flavor is really good and you have few airflow...
Geekvape flint kit
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2SdVmBu
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
i just bought a jilicharger which is a third party portable JUUL charger.The output of the jilicharger is 4.2-4.7V.I don’t know what is the original output of a original Juul usb charger...I would like to know if using the jilicharger will harm my battery in the long run?Or is the jilicharger actually safe?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2S5HgSZ
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2S5HgSZ
General Vaping Discussion
Hello,looks like my al85 is glitched or somethin.I have already taken a part clean it but the problem remains.
In this video you can see its out of control lol.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RlmqdC
In this video you can see its out of control lol.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RlmqdC
General Vaping Discussion
Why do some mods hit harder than others? I put a 0.53 ohm build in my RDA. Placed in on one of my mods (segelei Kaos) at 50 watts and then placed it on my Tesla Wye at the same wattage and it hits way harder on my Wye. Is it the chip set? It’s frustrating, I have different mods but why do some perform better than others?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2WvalGO
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2WvalGO
General Vaping Discussion
Hello all, this is my first post here.
I had a look online and couldn't find the answer to my question regarding baby beast coils.
So my question is this, i have a Smok Procolor 225w and the tfv8 big baby beast with a bigger bubble glass 3rd party replacement, holds 6 mls i think, the coil that I have at the moment, is rated at 40-80 watts @ 0.4 ohms, now my Procolor will read it down to 0.2 ohms, am i doing any damage or anything wrong by vaping it at 0.2 ohms. I'm vaping some berry blast...
Baby beast coils and rated ohms.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2WkKUYd
I had a look online and couldn't find the answer to my question regarding baby beast coils.
So my question is this, i have a Smok Procolor 225w and the tfv8 big baby beast with a bigger bubble glass 3rd party replacement, holds 6 mls i think, the coil that I have at the moment, is rated at 40-80 watts @ 0.4 ohms, now my Procolor will read it down to 0.2 ohms, am i doing any damage or anything wrong by vaping it at 0.2 ohms. I'm vaping some berry blast...
Baby beast coils and rated ohms.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2WkKUYd
General Vaping Discussion
Some friends of mine are telling me how dangerous PG is. Saying that it causes nore damage to lungs than smoking. And somehow even causes kidney damage. First off i dont believe this, even though the source of this info is a doctor who told my friends this. Im still trying to figure the connection with the kidney thing, and since PG is in a lot of different products we use and consume, ive decided that vaping PG cannot be pinpointed as the cause. I know that antivaping propaganda comes...
Dangerous PG
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2UiunSP
Dangerous PG
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2UiunSP
Saturday, 26 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
I have been vaping for close to 5 months. I started with the Wismec RXgen3 and have never had a problem. I wanted another one because i fell in love with it and wanted a backup. Well the new one seems to drain the battery in slot 2 faster than slot 1 and 3. HAas anyone else had this problem.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Wov2US
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Wov2US
General Vaping Discussion
Hi everyone! Although my join date is June 2009, I bought my first vape in Jan 2009. I'll never forget it, it was a black box with a battery (PCC) that came with two batteries and a 306 like atty. Didn't last long, but it served its purpose. Later that year came my first "serious" vape, a 901 kit, followed early 2010 by a KR808D.
Those 10 years weren't straight, as it happens I live in a banned country. When the ban was enforced late 2010, supplies were harder to get. On and off, depending...
10 year vape anniversary!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2UjOkbY
Those 10 years weren't straight, as it happens I live in a banned country. When the ban was enforced late 2010, supplies were harder to get. On and off, depending...
10 year vape anniversary!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2UjOkbY
General Vaping Discussion
I thought I had finally found the solution to my prematurely burnt drop in coils but that only lasted like 4 days (longer than the 24 hours I usually get but not enough). I went back to my Zeus Dual RTA but it gives me nothing but frustration. Bad taste, difficult to wick, when I do wick correctly I get burnt taste way too soon.
I’ve been considering something easier. I thought maybe I could get a Suorin Drop since I can refill with whatever juice I have, but I’m afraid flavor pay off...
Suorin Drop or new RTA/RDA
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2S7hyNO
I’ve been considering something easier. I thought maybe I could get a Suorin Drop since I can refill with whatever juice I have, but I’m afraid flavor pay off...
Suorin Drop or new RTA/RDA
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2S7hyNO
General Vaping Discussion
I just ordered Quad 0.36 ohm premade coils. Now when i want a dual coil setup - what should i set the initial ohm value on my mod? just 2 x 0.36 ohms?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Hv9nH3
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Hv9nH3
Friday, 25 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
My friend has a Solstice mec mod which is trying to fire the tank when no one is touching it, and even when it's turned off! I've never seen ANY mod do this, can anyone tell me what's causing it and how to fix it?
Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RPkLSY
Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RPkLSY
General Vaping Discussion
A "pop quiz on health" was conducted over the loudspeaker at my son's school yesterday, and they posed the question:
"Which is worse: smoking or vaping?"
The correct answer they gave was "vaping". I have had many conversations with my son about this including showing him the recent video from PHE, so he knows the truth. But I think it's a bit of shock to him that he is getting such contradictory information from the authority figures in his life.
It irritates me beyond words that these...
Announcement at my son's middle school
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Tarrrg
"Which is worse: smoking or vaping?"
The correct answer they gave was "vaping". I have had many conversations with my son about this including showing him the recent video from PHE, so he knows the truth. But I think it's a bit of shock to him that he is getting such contradictory information from the authority figures in his life.
It irritates me beyond words that these...
Announcement at my son's middle school
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Tarrrg
General Vaping Discussion
i recently got a vision spinner 2 just used for the ... cartridges. This morning I took a few hits it was working fine. Now when I turn it on it blinks red 10 times and will not fire. Any idea of what’s going on?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sOfMTz
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sOfMTz
General Vaping Discussion
Hey guys
My friend Marcus just ordered a Wismec Rx2 21700 and a Freemax Mesh Pro from the internet. He is quite new to vaping and he did not ask me if this was a good choice :'D
My question is: Is the Rx2 21700 still a good choice even if it is at least 8 months released? Does it have a good quality? For the Freemax I already have found out that it is one of the best tanks of 2018.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TeqUVt
My friend Marcus just ordered a Wismec Rx2 21700 and a Freemax Mesh Pro from the internet. He is quite new to vaping and he did not ask me if this was a good choice :'D
My question is: Is the Rx2 21700 still a good choice even if it is at least 8 months released? Does it have a good quality? For the Freemax I already have found out that it is one of the best tanks of 2018.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TeqUVt
Thursday, 24 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
Hello, I started vaping yesterday. I am not convinced that I should 'top up the juice as and when I can see it finish'. Looking to get good flavor and to extend the coil life as much as possible.
With my basic understanding, if the cotton is not soaked in juice then the wic/coil is going to burn the cotton, right ? So based on that, my understanding is I should top up my juice when the juice reaches the top most line in this pic.
When to top up juice?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TcW9A9
With my basic understanding, if the cotton is not soaked in juice then the wic/coil is going to burn the cotton, right ? So based on that, my understanding is I should top up my juice when the juice reaches the top most line in this pic.
When to top up juice?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TcW9A9
General Vaping Discussion
I just heard about this on Public Radio on the way home. Haven’t had a chance to read up on it yet, but from scanning a couple of articles, it’s clear that our legislators in Vermont have no idea about e-cigarettes/vaping. The governor wants to keep ecigs “out of the hands of kids” by placing a 92% tax on all devices and eliquid, including online sales. (If they really wanted to keep nicotine out of they hands of kids they should just ban all the juul’s, imho)
This is bad news for me, I’ve...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sGnsqW
This is bad news for me, I’ve...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sGnsqW
General Vaping Discussion
Good lookin mod , really good flavorful rda. But, a slight delay when fireing . Well, a delay for a gene chip View attachment 794015
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MtMtyx
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MtMtyx
General Vaping Discussion
I want to stay by saying I just got the Pico squeeze 2 and used it with the ammit mtl tank. Loved this setup. I decided to go grocery shopping today and left the mod in the car. Came out and put the groceries in the truck so I unlocked the car. I had my bag with me and nothing else of real value in the car. I parked slightly far from where you put the carts back. Without thinking about it because it was pouring I walk back to put the cart back. The time it took me to walk to put the cart...
Vape thief!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MBy8Ap
Vape thief!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MBy8Ap
General Vaping Discussion
View attachment 793877 Really like the looks of this new single-coil rda. Very much hoping for performance much like the C4 but in a better looking rda. Bring on some reviews!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RJ7r2c
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RJ7r2c
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
So, I’m not sure if this is allowed or not, I checked the rules and unless I’m missing it, it doesn’t say I can’t. So come join my vape group it’s new, only has about 250ish members. Facebook is glitching and only says 36 but it’s incorrect. https://m.facebook.com/groups/636678250035551
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2WbQuvX
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2WbQuvX
General Vaping Discussion
Hi, i’m 23 and just got diagnosed with fatty liver and have to make some lifestyle changes. I saw an article saying that vaping is bad for fatty liver cause the glycol turns into sugar. I’m trying to just vape and not smoke. If anyone has info on this it’s be appreciated
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FVcYvt
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FVcYvt
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
What places have the largest selection of clones...?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Dt4TfX
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Dt4TfX
Tuesday, 22 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
I currently have a Smok h-priv 2 mod and a freemax fireluke mesh sub ohm tank with associated coils. I’ve had so many different issues with this damn tank I’m fed up. When it’s working, the coil typically lasts 3-4 weeks. All of a sudden, coils aren’t working. They taste like new cotton all the time even though I prime it, and after a few drags I’ve noticed it isn’t staying saturated anymore. This was never an issue so I’m not sure what happened. I don’t know if it’s the mod or the tank. I...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2S3XJXA
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2S3XJXA
General Vaping Discussion
I’m getting so frustrated it’s unfit. I’ve been vaping for awhile and rarely had this issue, now it’s every damn new coil. Over $40 in new coils in the last day. I get a new one. Prime it properly and do everything like normal and it still tastes awful, every new coil does it now and I’m getting pissed. Yesterday when I put the new one in it was fine. All of a sudden it tasted burnt after not tasting burnt for like 30 puffs, then I inhaled one puff a long time and it tasted awful and now...
Coil Problems !
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RLmCIg
Coil Problems !
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RLmCIg
General Vaping Discussion
Hello guys how are you? Here is Tomás from argentina and i am new in vaping and i was having a problem, the vape is giving me problem for breathe, asthma, short breath, and i buy three diferents juices with strawberry and the three gives me asthma, later i bought pg and vg, and a flavour of capella "sweet strawberry" and happend the same, it gives me asthma, anyone knows if this components of the flavour can give me allergy for my lungs? ty to all
this is capella
Flavour allergy?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2EZQIkC
this is capella
Flavour allergy?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2EZQIkC
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
So guys, am I like, a REAL vaper now?!?!
This thing is awesome. Big serious thank you to everyone who made recommendations and helped me decide. It’s perfect for MTL, isn’t spitting hot lava at me, and it’s kind of pretty, too.
Can I use 35mg nic salts in this? Uwell Whirl 22 with 0.6 coils.
Everything went horribly wrong the last time I tried this on a different device so I want to make SURE before I try it. What say you lovely people?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AWQhUD
This thing is awesome. Big serious thank you to everyone who made recommendations and helped me decide. It’s perfect for MTL, isn’t spitting hot lava at me, and it’s kind of pretty, too.
Can I use 35mg nic salts in this? Uwell Whirl 22 with 0.6 coils.
Everything went horribly wrong the last time I tried this on a different device so I want to make SURE before I try it. What say you lovely people?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AWQhUD
General Vaping Discussion
Felt inspired I guess, since I just checked one of mine. It's common habit for me now; if I buy a new atty I ALWAYS tighten the positive pin. It's been a few months since I actively picked up this habit. I've come to notice, every one of the 5 or so atty's I've bought in the past few months have LOOSE positive pins. Some were able to be tightened almost a full turn!
sub-ohm tanks sometimes aren't as effected, they usually use press in pins, not threaded.
Make sure to check your atty's...
Do you check your 510 pin? You should... [kinda PSA-ish?]
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CBofOq
sub-ohm tanks sometimes aren't as effected, they usually use press in pins, not threaded.
Make sure to check your atty's...
Do you check your 510 pin? You should... [kinda PSA-ish?]
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CBofOq
General Vaping Discussion
Anyone seen a movie lately where one of the characters was vaping?? Seems like its getting more common.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2jfpQAx
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2jfpQAx
General Vaping Discussion
My name is Nuno and I'm from Portugal. I just openend a vape shop in my hometown (Lisbon) with a friend. Our shop is called "Crocodile vape shop". I would like to ask for your opinion about some alternative logos. Can you be so kind to help us? I'm posting a link to a simple questionnaire (only three questions, its very fast to answer). Thank you very much. Regards Link: The better Croc
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DruRAC
My name is Nuno and I'm from Portugal. I just openend a vape shop in my hometown (Lisbon) with a friend. Our shop is called "Crocodile vape shop". I would like to ask for your opinion about some alternative logos. Can you be so kind to help us? I'm posting a link to a simple questionnaire (only three questions, its very fast to answer). Thank you very much. Regards Link: The better Croc
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DruRAC
Monday, 21 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
I’m craving a cigarette pretty bad tonight so I thought it would help to line out all the pros of vaping so far, and read anyone’s input as well.
Best things about vaping (newbie perspective)...
Vaping in the house.
Vaping in the car.
Not smelling like cigarettes.
Not having to awkwardly have non smoking husband and family wait on me to finish smoking before we can leave/enter a place.
Not having to go to the gas station every day.
Not spending money every day. (Not only cigs but a drink,...
BEST part of vaping...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FNwSZr
Best things about vaping (newbie perspective)...
Vaping in the house.
Vaping in the car.
Not smelling like cigarettes.
Not having to awkwardly have non smoking husband and family wait on me to finish smoking before we can leave/enter a place.
Not having to go to the gas station every day.
Not spending money every day. (Not only cigs but a drink,...
BEST part of vaping...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FNwSZr
General Vaping Discussion
I've been on this vaping journey for going on 10 years now. I've been strictly a MTL vaper all this time. However, every now and then I get an urge to use a sub ohm tank. I've tried a few in the past and they always make me dizzy as heck. I usually vape 12mg liquid, but with sub ohm tanks I drop to 3mg. I don't wanna drop below 3mg because I still need my "nic fix". Has anyone else experienced this and how did you successfully transition? Thanks!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2R5uMGq
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2R5uMGq
General Vaping Discussion
I know a lot of us, including myself have amassed a vape collection. Most of which is unnecessary at this point.
I was curious where people "offload" their used mods and atty's? I'm not talking to get money from them, looking for more of a donation type thing. Yeah I spent my money on them, but they're just sitting on a shelf when each one of them could be used to help someone else stop smoking.
I'm not talking high-end gear either, mid-tier, broadly commercial stuff. I've also got some...
What do you do with your old gear? (donation discussion)
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RIPYqI
I was curious where people "offload" their used mods and atty's? I'm not talking to get money from them, looking for more of a donation type thing. Yeah I spent my money on them, but they're just sitting on a shelf when each one of them could be used to help someone else stop smoking.
I'm not talking high-end gear either, mid-tier, broadly commercial stuff. I've also got some...
What do you do with your old gear? (donation discussion)
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RIPYqI
General Vaping Discussion
Our beloved Robino1 was called home last night at 6:40pm.
She had been valiantly and graciously battling metastatic colon cancer for the past year and a half.
She had so many friends here that loved her and will be missed greatly.
My dear friend, you fought such a courageous battle.
I will miss you so much.
...She had been valiantly and graciously battling metastatic colon cancer for the past year and a half.
She had so many friends here that loved her and will be missed greatly.
My dear friend, you fought such a courageous battle.
I will miss you so much.
Rest in Peace Robino1
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RFqMS8
General Vaping Discussion
Got this in about a week ago and have been using pretty regularly. I like the size and design, it's very rugged and compact. Seems to have a pretty good battery life. I would recommend it as an alternative to a pod system for mtl usage. Is available in several different colors which is nice. Overall it's a pretty nice little device. View attachment 793527 View attachment 793529
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DqEqjd
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DqEqjd
General Vaping Discussion
I received a PM response last night from a VooPoo rep. regarding the Ben video controversy which I have screen shot and will post in it's legitimacy. I'm not posting this for debate or more controversy, but to give Voopoo it's chance to show it's side to everyone on here.
There was nothing said about not posting their response, I believe they sent me a PM because there was no thread to post on as it was closed.
Screen shot below:
View attachment 793481
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AYXnb3
There was nothing said about not posting their response, I believe they sent me a PM because there was no thread to post on as it was closed.
Screen shot below:
View attachment 793481
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AYXnb3
Sunday, 20 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
I had a disaster happen. And then I bought a thing. And then I almost broke it. And now I’m terrified.
Ok so I was using the Smok Novo and it bit the dust while I was out of town the past few days.
I was in Austin and didn’t smoke all weekend! When the Novo died I went to the nearest vape shop and bought an Innokin AMVS stick mod. It came with mesh coils.
The girl at the shop was super nice and gave me some free juice, a Why So Cereal something or other.
I had been using nic salts in...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2QYNtvi
Ok so I was using the Smok Novo and it bit the dust while I was out of town the past few days.
I was in Austin and didn’t smoke all weekend! When the Novo died I went to the nearest vape shop and bought an Innokin AMVS stick mod. It came with mesh coils.
The girl at the shop was super nice and gave me some free juice, a Why So Cereal something or other.
I had been using nic salts in...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2QYNtvi
General Vaping Discussion
Hi all,
UK vapour here, I was wondering what you guys use on your windscreen inside your car to stop a build up and misting/smearing on your screen and internal windows
I am finding if I clean the inside of my windscreen with soapy water and a leather to get it clean within a few days it is misting back up again
Thanks in advance for your responses
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Ua8QvN
UK vapour here, I was wondering what you guys use on your windscreen inside your car to stop a build up and misting/smearing on your screen and internal windows
I am finding if I clean the inside of my windscreen with soapy water and a leather to get it clean within a few days it is misting back up again
Thanks in advance for your responses
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Ua8QvN
General Vaping Discussion
Pretty much everywhere I read people say put the positive of your battery to the atomizer and I understand why . what I'm not sure about is the vent holes on the tube are at the bottom is it safe or should the battery be run the other way?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FEvqsS
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FEvqsS
General Vaping Discussion
View attachment 793175 It does light up for more than minute 
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sx3e2O

from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sx3e2O
Saturday, 19 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
do people take out the batteries from their mods at night? I have 5-7 mods in my daily rotation and have never thought to take all those batteries out for the night. I do make sure all the mods are shut down.
Reason I ask is because there is a thread started by someone’s mod vented in the middle of the night and now everyone is posting their opinions.
I kinda forgot about my Joytech pen that leaked overnight and started autofiring and venting. Fortunately I was sitting there when it...
Batteries in mods at night?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FAIzmZ
Reason I ask is because there is a thread started by someone’s mod vented in the middle of the night and now everyone is posting their opinions.
I kinda forgot about my Joytech pen that leaked overnight and started autofiring and venting. Fortunately I was sitting there when it...
Batteries in mods at night?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FAIzmZ
General Vaping Discussion
For me it's:
Wicking - rewicking when there is only a hint of crustiness
- recoiling instead of dry burning
- using designated 'wet' and 'dry' scissors for wicks
Tanks - Filling as soon as they get down to half way
There's more but I don't want you to think I belong in a padded room just yet
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MlhWCV
Wicking - rewicking when there is only a hint of crustiness
- recoiling instead of dry burning
- using designated 'wet' and 'dry' scissors for wicks

Tanks - Filling as soon as they get down to half way
There's more but I don't want you to think I belong in a padded room just yet

from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MlhWCV
General Vaping Discussion
does anyone know which cheap dmm I can get to give me a super rough gauge as to whether I’m above an ohm? I know the wraps and whatnot so if im using 28 @ 6 it should be close to 1.2 (if I remember) so I just need something to tell me the atty is responding correctly. Even if it’s way out, just a rough guide so I know it’s working and I’m safe
View attachment 793095
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2REwcfS
View attachment 793095
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2REwcfS
General Vaping Discussion
Walking along the corridors of ECF threads tonite, Sir @ENAUD and I had a brief discourse. In it, we thought about ECF members who no longer seem to be around anymore.
"Funny how folks just dissapear from these parts, inn'it ?"
I don't know about you, but there are many ECF peeps I miss terribly. Some for their humour, some for their craziness, some for the power of their personality.
(Some cuz they drove me krazy.)
In the spirit of fondness and...
Where did you go??
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CFV8uG
"Funny how folks just dissapear from these parts, inn'it ?"
I don't know about you, but there are many ECF peeps I miss terribly. Some for their humour, some for their craziness, some for the power of their personality.
(Some cuz they drove me krazy.)

In the spirit of fondness and...
Where did you go??
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CFV8uG
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
Anyone know the best place to do this? I've a few things I want to get shot of and a few things I want.
Can I do that here?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MiiauB
Can I do that here?

from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MiiauB
General Vaping Discussion
Who has or has had one of these? What are your opinions on it? Good, bad. I'm curious I ordered one and have heard it's great for what it is an am kinda curious how some of you feel about it. And if you're currently using it I'd like to see the setup. Even if you aren't I still enjoy seeing what others are rocking.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sBx6ed
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2sBx6ed
Friday, 18 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
So after being extremely busy with work for the last couple of weeks, I come back to y’all as frustrated as ever.
I’ve been using my Zeus Dual RTA and my Gnome King atomizer by Wismec. Both are giving me the same issue.
On the RTA, I can fill it twice - around 10ml or so of e-liquid - before feeling that burnt taste and awful throat hit. On the Atomizer, it’s pretty much the same. Filling twice or having around 160 puffs will give me a burnt feeling. It doesn’t matter what type of juice...
Back and still frustrated - yay
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2W4Hxo3
I’ve been using my Zeus Dual RTA and my Gnome King atomizer by Wismec. Both are giving me the same issue.
On the RTA, I can fill it twice - around 10ml or so of e-liquid - before feeling that burnt taste and awful throat hit. On the Atomizer, it’s pretty much the same. Filling twice or having around 160 puffs will give me a burnt feeling. It doesn’t matter what type of juice...
Back and still frustrated - yay
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2W4Hxo3
General Vaping Discussion
For me it's:
Wicking - rewicking when there is only a hint of crustiness
- recoiling instead of dry burning
- using designated 'wet' and 'dry' scissors for wicks
Tanks - Filling as soon as they get down to half way
There's more but I don't want you to think I belong in a padded room just yet
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2U0BD5I
Wicking - rewicking when there is only a hint of crustiness
- recoiling instead of dry burning
- using designated 'wet' and 'dry' scissors for wicks

Tanks - Filling as soon as they get down to half way
There's more but I don't want you to think I belong in a padded room just yet

from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2U0BD5I
General Vaping Discussion
I have a VooPoo Drag 2. Not too happy with a lot of things about it. Anyway...
So I don’t use temp control much. I’m very basic. I’m wondering if a setting is bad? See the fire button is also the menu scroll so I may have accidentally changed something. If anyone can help I’d appreciate it.
It literally burns my throat, on 60 Watts. Dunno what’s up
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CxgxVD
So I don’t use temp control much. I’m very basic. I’m wondering if a setting is bad? See the fire button is also the menu scroll so I may have accidentally changed something. If anyone can help I’d appreciate it.
It literally burns my throat, on 60 Watts. Dunno what’s up
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2CxgxVD
General Vaping Discussion
Hello to everyone. I'm new here (well, actively lol) and wanted to get some advice on buying a new mod. Mainly what kind and where to buy.
I have had a few different kinds but my favorite has been the Joyetech eVic VT and Joyetech eVic VTwo. However, I now want something different because all 3 of mine are now paperweight from one thing or another. And it seems I'm nowhere close to being the only one.
I will be using Kangertech Toptank mini with .5ohm OCC coils.
3 features it MUST have:...
Need a new mod
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FAVxRt
I have had a few different kinds but my favorite has been the Joyetech eVic VT and Joyetech eVic VTwo. However, I now want something different because all 3 of mine are now paperweight from one thing or another. And it seems I'm nowhere close to being the only one.
I will be using Kangertech Toptank mini with .5ohm OCC coils.
3 features it MUST have:...
Need a new mod
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FAVxRt
Thursday, 17 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
Sho the weirdest thing happened on my order. I placed an order from breazy and next day it ships. I was super happy. Tracking it because..well it's shiny lol, and it said it was on its way from NV to next location. I checked again tonight because delivery was scheduled for tomorrow and it went back to a label has been created? All previous shipping history removed? Anyone ever see this?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RPcFsE
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RPcFsE
General Vaping Discussion
Hi friends!!!
Ok so I got some awesome responses on my last post for recommendations for a refillable, non-pod, stick type MTL device. It seems it's down to two most recommended, and I've added and removed things from online carts so much in the last day my head is spinning.
The recommendations seem to be the Uwell Whirl 22 OR Vandyvape. The difference that my newbie brain can see between them is that Vandyvape takes two types of coils, 0.6 and 1.8 or something like that, although I...
So many questions...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FF2VdW
Ok so I got some awesome responses on my last post for recommendations for a refillable, non-pod, stick type MTL device. It seems it's down to two most recommended, and I've added and removed things from online carts so much in the last day my head is spinning.
The recommendations seem to be the Uwell Whirl 22 OR Vandyvape. The difference that my newbie brain can see between them is that Vandyvape takes two types of coils, 0.6 and 1.8 or something like that, although I...
So many questions...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FF2VdW
General Vaping Discussion
Been using this for a few days now, and for a MTL device, its pretty good. Small, battery lasts me a couple days between charges, you can change the voltage and flavor is good. The draw is tighter than i'm used to but its all good. If you want a good small device, give this one a shot. Thanks!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2T1TAk8
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2T1TAk8
General Vaping Discussion
Just read the instruction manuals for the mods I have and ran through all the button pushing/mode configuration options.

Probably shouldve done this sooner
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2VSU8e2
Just read the instruction manuals for the mods I have and ran through all the button pushing/mode configuration options.

Probably shouldve done this sooner

from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2VSU8e2
General Vaping Discussion
Can someone tell me if misthub is legit or not
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RLyIR5
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RLyIR5
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
I'm 72 yrs old on a set (SS) income. My current set up is an ego pen style battery with a Smok (?) 5 ml GBC tank. It's easy for me to maintain it and last all day. They are discontinuing my tank and coils for it. The last batch of coils I bought don't work right either. I don't understand "sub ohm" and I can't rebuild with my old arthritic hands. Does anyone know of a cheap and easy setup that might be similar to what I have ? I'd appreciate any suggestions.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Fy2tix
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Fy2tix
General Vaping Discussion
I started vaping a while ago now and I'm using YouTube a lot for all kinds of information and reviews.
Is that just me or is the most important trait to be mentally unstable if you want to be on YT and review mods and ejuices. I mean most of these guys seem to think a video is only good if they trump each other with being weird and using sh..t, b...h and other unnecessary language.
I found just one channel so far that keeps it simple and professional.
Can you guys suggest some good...
YouTube review weirdos
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2rLC73E
I started vaping a while ago now and I'm using YouTube a lot for all kinds of information and reviews.
Is that just me or is the most important trait to be mentally unstable if you want to be on YT and review mods and ejuices. I mean most of these guys seem to think a video is only good if they trump each other with being weird and using sh..t, b...h and other unnecessary language.
I found just one channel so far that keeps it simple and professional.
Can you guys suggest some good...
YouTube review weirdos
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2rLC73E
General Vaping Discussion
What everyone's thoughts on the Baron RDA
Got to say for me its a great little RDA with the ease of changeable airflow and overall design
its really a good contender for a mid-range price and I've seen it places quiet cheap if ordered directly from China
for me the flavour is great and a must for anyone who hasn't tried it
View attachment 792569
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DeHzCK
Got to say for me its a great little RDA with the ease of changeable airflow and overall design
its really a good contender for a mid-range price and I've seen it places quiet cheap if ordered directly from China
for me the flavour is great and a must for anyone who hasn't tried it
View attachment 792569
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DeHzCK
General Vaping Discussion
Does anyone have this rda and if so, what are your thoughts on it after using it awhile?
View attachment 792467
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2ssqOh0
View attachment 792467
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2ssqOh0
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
Hi friends!! The vaping magic is taking hold, and I have gotten so much great support and recommendations from you guys I wanted to ask a few things.
Background in case you haven’t seen my other threads...just quitting smoking, was given a Kanger SubTank and toptank and not happy with it, didn’t hit hard enough to satisfy cravings. Bought a SMOK Novo and some nic salts and that did the trick.
I’m carrying the Novo everywhere and very nervous because I’ve heard and read bad things about...
Very excited to ask this question!!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MbkTWF
Background in case you haven’t seen my other threads...just quitting smoking, was given a Kanger SubTank and toptank and not happy with it, didn’t hit hard enough to satisfy cravings. Bought a SMOK Novo and some nic salts and that did the trick.
I’m carrying the Novo everywhere and very nervous because I’ve heard and read bad things about...
Very excited to ask this question!!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MbkTWF
General Vaping Discussion
I haven't stayed up on vaping tech the last few years. I've been happily vaping along on my VaporShark rDNA 40, and while it still works great, it doesn't look so hot anymore. So I decided to see what new mods VaporShark had and I don't see any on their extremely slow website. So did they get out of the mod business? What about Evolv, are the DNA chips still popular, or are they old news now too.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DcPL6w
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2DcPL6w
General Vaping Discussion
The Flint By Geekvape
I would like to Introduce The Flint by Geekvape.
I received Geekvape’s Flint on Friday January 4, 2019. And I’m glad that I received it when I did because it gave me the entire weekend to work with the device.
The Flint is an IXP5 very super compact kit that is powered by Geekvape’s refined NS coil system, which is designed to be perfect for MTL (Mouth To Lung) use with both Salt Nic E-juice and regular e-juice. So lets look at the contents in the box....
And Introduction to Geekvape's FLINT
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MaDQcb
I would like to Introduce The Flint by Geekvape.
I received Geekvape’s Flint on Friday January 4, 2019. And I’m glad that I received it when I did because it gave me the entire weekend to work with the device.
The Flint is an IXP5 very super compact kit that is powered by Geekvape’s refined NS coil system, which is designed to be perfect for MTL (Mouth To Lung) use with both Salt Nic E-juice and regular e-juice. So lets look at the contents in the box....
And Introduction to Geekvape's FLINT
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2MaDQcb
General Vaping Discussion
I saw the notifications that Greensmoke and Mark Ten were discontinued by Altria and did not really think too much of it since they invested/bought into Juul.
Yesterday I received a mailer at my PO Box. I discarded the packaging it was in (it was the same type of slick packaging that the Marlboro coupons used to come in) and kept the coupon because I was just curious as to what it was.
The coupons were for "Verve" and just looking at it it looked like it was mints in a tube but I can see...
Odd Behavior from Altria - big tobacco
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Md92HQ
Yesterday I received a mailer at my PO Box. I discarded the packaging it was in (it was the same type of slick packaging that the Marlboro coupons used to come in) and kept the coupon because I was just curious as to what it was.
The coupons were for "Verve" and just looking at it it looked like it was mints in a tube but I can see...
Odd Behavior from Altria - big tobacco
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Md92HQ
General Vaping Discussion
I am hoping my 40w batteries are up to the task for these tanks because I already have a couple.
Is the Prince TFV12 tank by SMOK any good?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TTLIBx
Is the Prince TFV12 tank by SMOK any good?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TTLIBx
Monday, 14 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
hello everybody i was looking to get a new mod for work i have a kamry 35 w currently for that purpose but i feel it doesnt have enough ommph im not picky about the specs but i want it to be on par with my home usage vaporesso target pro im currently running that with gt cores in a nrg tank it also has to be very durable and be able to handle moisture and beeing dropped into concrete if there is sutch a mod ,also i have to be able to see how mutch battery is left.thanks !
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2McQYgE
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2McQYgE
General Vaping Discussion
View attachment 792215
So it rained in So Cal today, no problem with this rugged little guy. The @vandy_vape_official ApolloKit .Shock (Drop) proof, dust proof, & Water proof. If you like your MTL or pods, this bad boy is a MUST HAVE! ...., if you like a restricted lung hit, this kit will do the job. Really good flavor for a MTLTank, I been using a 25mg NicSalt & when I’m on the go & don’t want that “cloud attention” I take a couple puffs & im strait! Imo it’s made for nic salts but...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2stkBl0
So it rained in So Cal today, no problem with this rugged little guy. The @vandy_vape_official ApolloKit .Shock (Drop) proof, dust proof, & Water proof. If you like your MTL or pods, this bad boy is a MUST HAVE! ...., if you like a restricted lung hit, this kit will do the job. Really good flavor for a MTLTank, I been using a 25mg NicSalt & when I’m on the go & don’t want that “cloud attention” I take a couple puffs & im strait! Imo it’s made for nic salts but...
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2stkBl0
General Vaping Discussion
My name is Kelly this is like my 3rd topic. Each time I had questions and within minutes you guys were responding and so helpful. I should have joined a long time ago instead of doing hours of Google searching.. so I just wanted to say thanks to all of you and it's awesome how welcoming you all have been.. no criticism no bashing no making me feel stupid for my dumb questions.. I kind of feel like I have a bunch of new E-Cig friends!! Thank you all!! TTYL!
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FszKeH
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FszKeH
General Vaping Discussion
Poo, pesticides and banned nicotine found in e-cigarettes, Australian study shows
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2QKw09T
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2QKw09T
General Vaping Discussion
I've been vaping almost 7 years and still to this day, I love vaping in my car. I mean, anywhere is my favorite but my car; before I turn on my push start or radio or even a/c.. I love to take a long relaxing drag quietly with no noise nestled in my leather seats. Try it, lol. It's soothing and so relaxing for me after a long and productive workday.
A few years after I started vaping, I got my father & mother to quit cigarettes and got them into vaping. My father's favorite place...
Where's your favorite place to vape?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2SkAQfG
A few years after I started vaping, I got my father & mother to quit cigarettes and got them into vaping. My father's favorite place...
Where's your favorite place to vape?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2SkAQfG
Sunday, 13 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
General Vaping Discussion
My girlfriend has stage 1 COPD and still experiences a lot of wheezing with vaping she is down to one cigarette a day and has been that way for a long a time. She went down from 12 nic to 9 mic recently and consumes the same amount of liquid. She runs about 2 to 3 tanks in the ares rta at 13.5 watts. I've tried in the past almost pure vg juice as I know pg can be an irritating. I make 80 vg 20 pg juice right now. I'm willing to buy another atomizer or a pod system, I think I had asked...
Looking to help a loved one
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2ST7WTZ
Looking to help a loved one
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2ST7WTZ
General Vaping Discussion
Hi Everyone, my name is Nora and i just joined the forum.
i'm working on a university project for my masters @ Madonna University about E-Cigarettes/Vaping and its usage. i will be posting the survey link later today. i really appreciate your support in answering all the questions. it will only take 7 minutes of your time.
Thank you very much and appreciate your time
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2syF3RH
i'm working on a university project for my masters @ Madonna University about E-Cigarettes/Vaping and its usage. i will be posting the survey link later today. i really appreciate your support in answering all the questions. it will only take 7 minutes of your time.
Thank you very much and appreciate your time
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2syF3RH
General Vaping Discussion
We are trying to give up cigs and totally switch to vaping. I believe it is causing me sleep issues, has anyone had this problem, will it get better.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FwVd5p
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FwVd5p
General Vaping Discussion
Basically, the tank screws into a mid-section that is double threaded on each end. This middle section screws into the atomizer. The atomizer screws into the battery. They are ALL threaded in the same direction. Good luck. lol. Basically, to break this down: everything you do NOT want to unscrew, will unscrew. Everything you want unscrewed, will not unscrew.
Also, it's 2019 and "Yocan" has grammatical typos plastered across their packaging. They're still using "OIL" instead of or in place...
Yocan STIX are infuriating?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RrSfq0
Also, it's 2019 and "Yocan" has grammatical typos plastered across their packaging. They're still using "OIL" instead of or in place...
Yocan STIX are infuriating?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RrSfq0
General Vaping Discussion
My current setup is Vaporesso Armor Pro 100W + Kylin Mini, i'm in process of buying all the stuff but for now i have only 1 wire to work with which is GeekVape SS 316L (26GA).
First of all i'm mostly confused why my coil doesn't change resistance when vaping, i heard it should happen and is normal with SS wire in TC mode, the coil i'm using currently is simple round spaced one with 4.5 wraps & 3mm diameter which is 0.34Ω.
The rest of the settings i'm currently using is 92 TCR, temp. at...
Back to vaping after long break, some questions about TC mode
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2D6fMnD
First of all i'm mostly confused why my coil doesn't change resistance when vaping, i heard it should happen and is normal with SS wire in TC mode, the coil i'm using currently is simple round spaced one with 4.5 wraps & 3mm diameter which is 0.34Ω.
The rest of the settings i'm currently using is 92 TCR, temp. at...
Back to vaping after long break, some questions about TC mode
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2D6fMnD
Saturday, 12 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
Just got a Proto RTA (for $4.99 from 3avape)- made by SubOhm Industries and Thunderhead.
Saw reviews about 'tricky' to wick correctly- otherwise it's a leaker.
First attempt- no leaking at all when first built. Refilled tank and got very minor leakage (even with air control close when refilled.) But it stopped once started vaping.
So far- love the flavor and vapor production (running at .12 ohms- 26g SS twisted dual coils, 2.5mm) and 45 watts. Really was shooting for .5 ohms- but this works....
Proto Tank- just rec'd
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2VNCs3G
Saw reviews about 'tricky' to wick correctly- otherwise it's a leaker.
First attempt- no leaking at all when first built. Refilled tank and got very minor leakage (even with air control close when refilled.) But it stopped once started vaping.
So far- love the flavor and vapor production (running at .12 ohms- 26g SS twisted dual coils, 2.5mm) and 45 watts. Really was shooting for .5 ohms- but this works....
Proto Tank- just rec'd
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2VNCs3G
General Vaping Discussion
I have been vaping with copper contacts in my mechs for six years. I won a silver comp lyfe contact from platinum vapes but I'm not familiar with these. Are they safer because they conduct faster? Or do they put more stress on the battery? I would just like to know the do"s and dont's of solid silver contacts before I put it in one of my comp lyfe mods.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Rs1Jlp
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Rs1Jlp
General Vaping Discussion
So I pulled the trigger and got the Dovpo topside squonk 90w mod
but it's eating through my 18650's so looks like it's time to get a 21700
looked at mooch's list and am debating between Samsung 30T or Golisi S35
or do you think there is a better option?
And I'm cheap
so also not some expensive batteries....
I've found the Samsung 30T for $7.99 and the Golisi S35 for $6.99
I'd like to stay under $9/battery
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TJ4fQQ
but it's eating through my 18650's so looks like it's time to get a 21700
looked at mooch's list and am debating between Samsung 30T or Golisi S35
or do you think there is a better option?
And I'm cheap

I've found the Samsung 30T for $7.99 and the Golisi S35 for $6.99
I'd like to stay under $9/battery
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2TJ4fQQ
General Vaping Discussion
I have been using the Ego-C clearomizer Type A Standard resistance for a really long time, since I retired my M401 actually. They have been durable and reliable and I have been very pleased with them, but, replacement parts are becoming difficult to obtain.
So, any recommendations on durable and reliable pen style equipment would be appreciated.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AG7xgM
So, any recommendations on durable and reliable pen style equipment would be appreciated.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AG7xgM
Friday, 11 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
View attachment 791517 Compact, Shock proof (drop proof), Dust proof, water proof. 3.2 V - 4v comes with a .15 & .18 coil head. Best flavor I’ve ever gotten from a MTL KIT
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FtOGbN
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2FtOGbN
General Vaping Discussion
Hey I just got a kylin mini rebuildable. I order some 1 ohm coils too and they are tiny compared to the one it came with. not sure what ohms that one is but im confused.. Are sub ohm coils thicker gauge? I thought it was the other way around. Lower ohms = less resistence? wouldnt the smaller gauge coils be lower resistence since they heat up faster/require less watts?
i tried reading up on ohms on google but I got a headache tryin to understand lol.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AFklE8
i tried reading up on ohms on google but I got a headache tryin to understand lol.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AFklE8
General Vaping Discussion
Most of the time when I get an e mail from Breazy, the sale price is always higher when you add it to your cart. Anybody else have this problem?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Fr1bEY
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Fr1bEY
Thursday, 10 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
Hi, I just got a new subox mini c and have been fighting with this question for a long time. I have browsed all forums, tried everything and yet I still get ejuice in my mouth (I can taste it).
Let me just say first of all I have had many kangertech and other brands. I liked Kanger the best. This however is beyond frustrating at this point. No matter what I do (different VG/PG levels) it doesn't seem to be making a difference, and I'm starting to feel sick.
I have been vaping for years...
E-liquid in mouth
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2H63cJ7
Let me just say first of all I have had many kangertech and other brands. I liked Kanger the best. This however is beyond frustrating at this point. No matter what I do (different VG/PG levels) it doesn't seem to be making a difference, and I'm starting to feel sick.
I have been vaping for years...
E-liquid in mouth
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2H63cJ7
General Vaping Discussion
Ok folks. Need some help here. I am looking at higher wattage/low resistance builds. What 18650 batteries are best for the 20A+ continuous draw builds. My Imren Gold just ain’t cutting it.
120-180w .18 coils
Regulated mod
Dual battery.
Thanks in advance.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2D3vUWY
120-180w .18 coils
Regulated mod
Dual battery.
Thanks in advance.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2D3vUWY
General Vaping Discussion
By far the best mod on the market is the Geekvape Aegis Legand. I own many manufacturers they are all disposable unless you want to baby them
My Legand has been dropped hard on concrete dozens of times dropped in the bath even th toilet just beat to death. The chipset is excellent. You can buy it then purchase one whem you feel like it not when it starts having problems. I just bought another one because my wifes sigelei that we purchased at the same time has screen issues. I purchased...
The best Mod Period
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Qzbc4R
My Legand has been dropped hard on concrete dozens of times dropped in the bath even th toilet just beat to death. The chipset is excellent. You can buy it then purchase one whem you feel like it not when it starts having problems. I just bought another one because my wifes sigelei that we purchased at the same time has screen issues. I purchased...
The best Mod Period
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2Qzbc4R
General Vaping Discussion
Hello to everyone, yesterday i vape only vg vg to research what is te component that gives me this problem, i did three hits and the next day (today) appears the symptoms, short of breathe, anyone is troubling with the same problems that i have? And how do you solve it? Thanks for reading me, kisses.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RHXlxM
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RHXlxM
General Vaping Discussion
I was just looking into this spray that is used to waterproof electronics and it seems like it would be perfect for our mods. It says you can spray motherboards, battery terminals, internal electronics on many devices and it will help conductivity and keep moisture out. Well this seems perfect to keep ejuice and any other liquid that may get into our mods and prevent them from working. Surely someone has tried this stuff or something similar. Why aren’t they applying this stuff to our mods...
Nanoprotech waterproofing spray
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2VHAQIv
Nanoprotech waterproofing spray
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2VHAQIv
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
I have not seen anywhere at the discussions in this forum a clarification for the correlation between ramp up of a wire alloy used at regulated mod and ramp up of the same wire alloy used at mech mod.I post it here and not at the wick and wire sub-forum because I think it is of general interest.For identical coils ( same ID,wire gauge,leg length and amount of wraps ) but made of different metal alloys,we have two different ramp up lists.Regulated mods:when we use the same amount of power to...
Ramp up of wires ( clarification )
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RhrK6O
Ramp up of wires ( clarification )
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RhrK6O
General Vaping Discussion
I haven't posted in a long time and have been vaping for at least 7 years. I might pop in to read an article or interesting post, etc. I guess I'll just hit whoever reads this with it, so here goes.
7 months ago I was rear-ended buy a semi on the interstate. Traffic was being stopped by firemen and police and I was doing 1.5 mph (based on my vehicles black box) and the semi was going around 65 mph when it hit me. As you can imagine there was quite a bit of damage and catastrophic injury to...
Not really sure if anyone can help, but here's the issue
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2REzY8d
7 months ago I was rear-ended buy a semi on the interstate. Traffic was being stopped by firemen and police and I was doing 1.5 mph (based on my vehicles black box) and the semi was going around 65 mph when it hit me. As you can imagine there was quite a bit of damage and catastrophic injury to...
Not really sure if anyone can help, but here's the issue
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2REzY8d
General Vaping Discussion
Hello everyone, , im searching what component its what triggers me asthma, i buy vg from a and today i put some pure vg in me vape to se if i tolerate to vg and dosnt produce vapor clouds, i dont know if the vg that they sold me its okay or what im doing wrong, pd i put some destilated water, is because to much destilated water? and what happen if the vg was placed in a hot place? thanks
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2M21He6
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2M21He6
General Vaping Discussion
Hi friends!
I bought a Smok Novo and 35 mg nic salts to get me through the initial quitting smoking struggle. It’s working fine, but it kills my throat. I posted a few days ago and got a lot of suggestions as to how to remedy, but I started thinking, can you use non-nic salts in a Smok Novo? Like would a 80vg/20pg 6mg nic juice work in the Smok Novo? Or do I have to use nic salts in it?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RIhqny
I bought a Smok Novo and 35 mg nic salts to get me through the initial quitting smoking struggle. It’s working fine, but it kills my throat. I posted a few days ago and got a lot of suggestions as to how to remedy, but I started thinking, can you use non-nic salts in a Smok Novo? Like would a 80vg/20pg 6mg nic juice work in the Smok Novo? Or do I have to use nic salts in it?
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2RIhqny
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
General Vaping Discussion
I find its unfortunate that those who know nothing about vaping frown on it when you tell them you have quit smoking. I’ve met some really really ignorant people. Typically, I don’t bother getting into all the differences between vaping and smoking because to be honest they won’t even listen. Interesting how typically those same people will applaud folks who have used the gum, patch or even the pill. Yet, vaping in my opinion is no different than any of those methods.
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AAGQtR
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AAGQtR
General Vaping Discussion
Got told to start this thread by @Brewdawg1181 - so he better chime in with a few of his 
If you are a newbie to vaping - hopefully this thread will help you avoid the same mistakes and have a laugh at our expense
1. Priming a drop-in coil by pouring ejuice down the airflow channel - it was a tad gurgly
2. Thawing menthol concentrate crystals in the microwave - it all went fine til I gave it another 5 seconds of nuking. Blew the lid off the bottle and...
Dumbest mistakes you've made in vaping (beginners to advanced)
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AEbMcv

If you are a newbie to vaping - hopefully this thread will help you avoid the same mistakes and have a laugh at our expense

1. Priming a drop-in coil by pouring ejuice down the airflow channel - it was a tad gurgly

2. Thawing menthol concentrate crystals in the microwave - it all went fine til I gave it another 5 seconds of nuking. Blew the lid off the bottle and...
Dumbest mistakes you've made in vaping (beginners to advanced)
from General Vaping Discussion http://bit.ly/2AEbMcv
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General Vaping Discussion
This is just an opinion piece based on the info given from the website below. Why I don't like Nic Salts . Look at the advantages and ...
You dripped a carto You dripped a Cisco You've used a Boge You've squonked with a carto on your Reo Grand You've gone to the...
Hello, can someone send me a good ss316l profile for DNA 75c? I remember djlbs vapes has it on website, but I can't find it.. from G...